Advantages of Technology in Teaching

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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The coming together of both education and technology has been the major lead to human progress. The related in such a way that education natures technology which in turn form the foundation or the basis of education and due to that, there are a lot of changes in methods used in learning, changes in teaching, instruments and infrastructure to accommodate the instruments. Technology in education has helped us realize the full potential of education. The world we are living in have gone digital with the large population of people having access to digital devices. Students have been one of the groups that have access to these devices and if there are no measures to make sure that the students are shown to use these devices in a positive way (in their education), then they shall use the technology in bad habits which in turn affects their education negatively ("Impact of Information Technology on Education", 2018).

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Teaching is now done in a style where technology is the medium. This means that technology is now not used as an addition or alternative way to teach but it is used as the main teaching way. Devices like projectors, laptops, iPods, plan boards and tablets. The devices then hosts some apps and other soft wares which makes work easier for the students and teachers in their day to day tasks. They include; iStudiez Pro which schedules homework and lessons. This means that the future of education is fully determined by the progress of technology. Technology has personalized education where access of learning resources is made available at an individual level. For example, as a teacher you do not need to ask the students to gather together as the whole class so as to give them assignments.

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All is needed is their email address and they can receive their assignments no matter where they are. The students then do not need to physically submit the assignments. The teacher is able to know how many people attended his/her lesson and who they were. The teacher is also able to follow the progress of the student through continuous assessment test through the same devices. This passing of information between the teacher and student increases their literacy in computer skills and also improves their English. So as long as you are eligible, these courses are available to everyone all over the world provided there is internet access. The above clearly shows how technology has made education system very flexible and teaching even easier and flexible.

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The internet nowadays is being used as a source of learning materials. Teachers such for explanations of concepts which students do not understand. They also acquire different angles of explanation in which they can explain the concepts. Teachers also derive exercises and assignments from the internet which are from specific topics and give them to students. Also the students are mostly involved in searching of information and hence in the process they gain a lot of knowledge which they retain. The religious institutions are also in the mix of using technology more so the Islamic Institutions. For example, the public address systems which are used to address big populations of students. The Islamic Pedagogy also uses the recent technologies in sharing information with people in diverse areas and communities regardless to geographical barriers (Chai, Tsai & Ling Koh, 2013).

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Technology also plays a positive role in teaching children with disabilities. These tools can be divided into two those that help in physical mobility and those that help the disabled in the class activities. The first is that you can barely note the difference since technology is developing so fast. The second reason is that there too many options and varieties that are equally available and lie side by side. For example “the radio and the MP3 Player or the white boards and web based learning management systems” (Herring, Mishra & Koehler, 2016) References Costley, K. The Positive Effects of Technology on Teaching and Student Learning, 4-9. Impact of Information Technology on Education. , Tsai, C. , & Ling Koh, J. Review of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, 31-45.

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