American global intervention essay
He portrays the culture of the US interfering with the matters of other nations and not allowing the opposite. This meant the US had an upper hand in most of these events which were a positive thing for the oppressed. This paper puts forward a discussion the invasion Americans in Philippines, Iran and Chile during the periods of 1890s, 1950s, and 1970s respectively and how the invasion resulted to global intervention. Philippine-American War One important event within the stated period was the popularly branded Philippine-American War that happened between the period of 1899 and 1902 in the Philippines. The war is regarded as an insurgency that continued the revolution of the Philippines against again the rule of the Spanish regime. These are people who saw possible business opportunities if America reigned the Philippines.
There was also fear and doubt that the Filipinos were capable of ruling themselves without foreign interventions. Though most Americans thought that it was necessary to annex the Philippines, there were those against the move. For some, it was morally wrong the government of the United States of America to act as a colonialist. Also, some Americans feared that the move would allow some Filipinos to have their ways into the National government of the US. Under the rule of President Willian Howard Taft, the American government implemented the policy of attraction which encouraged more self-rule and reducing Guerrilla tactics. The policy also paved the way for the Philippine Government to start some economic programs for its people. In addition, the attraction policy allowed for some degree of social reform in the country that was in conflict for years and lead to the US army, winning the war against the Philippines.
In the year 1907, the Philippines witnessed its first elected assembly before the nation became a member state of the commonwealth. And in 1946, the archipelago gained independence from the United States of America. Under the presidency of Roosevelt, the US caused the trial of Mossadegh and later a house arrest which was followed by death (Gasiorowski et al, 2015) But according to Kinzer, the coup was a failure for the United States. The revolution of 1979 was a ripple effect resulting from the harsh leadership from the Shah who gained powers courtesy of the coup. Kinzer holds the belief that the Islamic Revolution formed a regime that is against American ideologies and which has spent decades corroding what America has been building globally. Six decades and still the coup is still evidence of the bad influence and relations that the US has in the West.
The coup showed duplicity of Washington (Kinzer, 2007). The legacy of the late Salvador Allende has remained a dividing issue in the history of Chile. Some individuals hold the opinion that Mr. Allende was a reckless Marxist who was focused on making Chile be like Cuba. However, there are those supports the theory that Allende was a social democrat who was caught up in the many events of US aided foreign coups (Kinzer, 2007). But there have always been questions surrounding the whole issue which is unclear not only to Chilean but the US people too. Meshing foreign policy into the environment that is governed by media can be done in a manner that makes the acting party or nation to appeal to international civil society and law. This can easily be accomplished through media by projecting the good intentions of one country hence acquiring moral authorization for the target actions (Baum, 2011).
Conclusion The believe that countries such as Philippines, Iran, and Chile are not capable of ruling themselves without foreign intervention is one reason that resulted to the invasion by Americans. The thought to annex the countries was not accepted by all where some felt that the United States could not be a colonialist. The fight for freedom and democracy came to halt and as the United States tried to impose their rule war broke. Ismael, T. Y. Ismael, J. S. Iraq in the twenty-first century: regime change and the making of a failed state.
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