American War for Middle East

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:History

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As the new war unfolded the conflict and hostility became persistent to all region of the Greater Middle East. Unfortunately, all actions and intention geared towards achieving peace instead achieved hatred and more wars. The writer connects these events as part of a single war waged against the Middle East. Bacevich condemns the use of the military to address the political dilemma. He also condemned the lack of unity of command among the military chain of command by stating that there has been the heedless absence of self-restraint with shallow impulses that hinders strategic analysis and consequently a proper policy solution. Meaning that American thoughts are suffocated by a desire to get something in return for the service rendered. This is absurd because it means that Americans must always get more than their fair share of such things like freedom, abundance as well as security.

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The writer states that if Americans get their share of freedom, abundance and security everything else comes later. Bacevich convincingly argues that destructive myths pertaining to American military blind policymakers that recommend the use of forces do nothing to immediately scare or suffocate the terrorists or dictators to vanish rather it always leads to resentment and resistance contrary to what most of the politicians in Washington expect to hear. In fact, American assuming that militarization signified to American close allies and enemies that America was getting serious about the entire issue only serves to suffocate the role that diplomacy should play. Bacevich when Ronald Reagan took power his administration American help to mujahedeen in the year 1980 can be estimated to about 5 billion dollars.

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But unfortunately, some of the rebels like Osama bin Laden later united to form organizations such as al-Qaeda against the American military as well as the American civilians and waging war against America in collaboration with other terrorist groups. The long war in the Middle East between Iraq and Iran from the year 1980-1988 saw Ronald Regan helping Saddam Hussein Iraq against Iran, however, Reagan administration secretly diverted weapons to Iran the writer put it that Regan’s American kind of war to the greater Middle East became confused and inconsistent (Bacevich, 2017). Also, President Ronald Reagan reign saw the formation of the central command with special military duty for Middle East countries including Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq and even some parts of central Asia and North Africa countries occupied by the Arabs.

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Reagan central command generals like Robert Kingston and Norman Schwarzkopf among others who were in charge of the Middle East region needed to incorporate historical thinking alongside geographical mapping as well as a prospective enemy schedule of battle that would require a great leap of creative imagination and strategy. Politics became so intense that the following year all American troops that were present in Somalia had to vacate the region. The American commanders did another stupid mistake by declaring victory over their enemies not knowing that her enemy has just withdrawn in one part of the conflict only to re-appear again in a different form as a guerrilla force as recorded in Afghanistan in 2001. They also made a poor strategy by thinking that eliminating big figures like Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi, and Osama will terminate the conflict completely.

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