An analysis of cultural artifacts in production emotion persuasion and empathy in the series fresh off the boat

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

Document 1

Cultural artifacts may be analyzed with the application of lenses and concepts such as empathy, emotion, metaphor, and other rhetorical elements derived from artifacts of various cultures (Namenwirth&Weber, 2016; Gitlin, 2017). artifacts may include items such as the Native American Arrowheads, Stone Age tools, archived newspapers or even productions such as movies, films, and documentaries. Through this paper, persuasion, emotion, and empathy will be analyzed through the TV series Fresh off the boat(Season one, Episode one ‘Pilot'). Fig. Fresh Off the Boat. The Huang's eldest son Eddie is the main protagonist, and through him, we get a peek at some cultural artifacts playing out. Eddie's father has embraced the all American dream, while his mother still has aspects of her Asian heritage left.

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The main aim of the choice of this movie as the cultural artifact for this assignment is the fact and idealization that the episode follows the culture of the Taiwanese family and how they try to adjust into the culture of suburban Orlando. Fresh of the boatis among the first illustration of Asian Americans in American Television and it gives the viewers a chance to examine the relationship between Asian America to both America and Asia. Persuasion is displayed on various instances through this episode. He believes that hip-hop music can be a sufficient reason to persuade the cool kids that he qualifies to associate with them. Fig 2. (Fresh off the Boat Memes). (Photograph). (n. Empathy is the second concept that is common in this episode.

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Empathy is simply our ability to comprehend and share the feelings of other people. It requires a person to put himself in another person’s shoes in order to get a sense of the inner pain that they are facing. In terms of culture, empathy is demonstrated by our ability to get I touch with and understand other people’s beliefs, attitudes, values, and customs. Empathy is depicted in various situations in the episode. He misinterprets the reason why he was not receiving many visitors and thinks that it has to do with his Asian origin. He ignores the fact that most Americans are not excited by cowboy themed restaurants. He decides to hire a Caucasian man, Mitch, as the host thinking that this will make his restaurant attract more customers.

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Here, Mr. Huang is being insensitive because he does not try to understand the culture of the Americans. They do not put themselves into Eddie’s shoes and they do not care how such actions would affect him since he is from a very different culture. The third lens used to analyze cultural artifacts in this episode is that of emotion. Emotion, as a concept and lens in the evaluation of cultural artifact in Fresh off the Boat, is best seen and represented in the character of Jessica. Jessica has to pretend to enjoy her new neighbors' company to occupy her time. She comments to her son about the absurdity of one of her neighbor's carrying a bag containing dog excrement when they were out skating.

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They show the conclusive presentation, which is the basis of the show that it possible for people that are affiliated to one type or form of the cultural artifact to adapt and get used to other artifacts while still preserving the concepts of their culture. Hence, the main opinion derived from this episode is that it is possible to relate to maintaining concepts such as emotion and empathy while interacting and dealing with individuals from different cultures (Caroll, 2010). Empathy allows us to appreciate and tolerate the similarities and differences of another culture. We get to put ourselves in the shoes of another person and imagine how they feel certain situations. Emotions arise when we interact with other people and these interactions are mostly within the framework of a particular culture.

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