Billy Budd the Sailor Analysis

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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As a result, Captains and ship authorities lived in fear being a victim of mutiny. This led to close monitoring and observing of individuals who seem suspicious or up to something. Individuals who did not reveal much about themselves did not reveal much about themselves received much speculation which at times could lead to tragic endings. Melville Herman’s Billy Budd vividly shows the possible effects of sailing with people who are not conversant with each other during the late 18th century. From the book, Billy, who is described as a strong, good-hearted and handsome man, is interpreted differently by the Captain, Vere and the master at arms Claggart. It is likely that Claggarrt perceived Billy’s action as disrespectful and rude.

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Additionally, information by The Dansker to Billy, informs that the masters-at-arm does not like Billy. With that in mind, it is undeniable that any mistake Billy did towards the masters-at-arm would be interpreted negatively since there was already a negative attitude in Claggart. Likewise, Claggart negative interpretation of Billy is also evident after he assigns Squeak to monitor and observe him. This shows that he does not have any trust towards Billy despite how good he seems to be (Melville 57). Additionally, the narrator shows that Were had an intention to promote Billy to a captain position to ensure that they worked together since he admired him and his personality. After Claggart makes his allegations towards Billy, Vere is hesitant of believing them.

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He argues that there is not enough evidence to support the allegations (Melville 66). Apart from that, he recommended that Claggart should get a third party or another witness who will affirm his allegations. This portrays that Vere’s does not yet perceive or see Billy as any threat despite the factor that he does not much about him. Additionally, both interpretations are based on assumptions but not significant actions or any experience with Billy. Apart from spilling Soup on Claggart, Billy did not have various experiences together with him. They rarely interacted hence there is not enough interaction that will enhance one understanding the other’s personality. Tis is a similar case with Billy and Vere. In the novel, there lacks a strong interaction between the two that would lead to understanding each other.

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Tis shows that his hate has grown much enough to the extent that he cannot tolerate Billy. His tone while addressing Billy is confronting and filled with anger. This vividly Claggart’s interpretations of Billy was mainly intrigued by his inner emotions which were hate and jealous. On the other hand, Vere’s interpretation was based on what he saw. The narrators show that Vere intended to promote Billy since he admired him. These reasons are enough to cause jealousy in Claggart who felt next to the caption maybe even expected to get promoted to a captain. Apart from that. Jealousy eventually leads to hatred which resulted in false allegations to the captain. Hate drove Claggart to Vere to ensure that he hindered any chances for Billy as well as taint his positive image to the sailors and the captain.

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