Body Image in Western Culture Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

The women also are limiting themselves to the standards of diets that would shape them to become thin with firm bodies. Even though there might be other external effects to them, they would ensure that they are in one way or the other fit for the specifications in the western cultural contexts. This study seeks to evaluate how the media has shaped the western culture and caused significant negative impacts on the physical appearances of both males and females in society today (Bordo 23). There is no other place that the thin ideal for women have been depicted than as it is passed across through the media. It is clear that the bodies of those behind our screens and in leading films are key reflections for the women in the public domain.

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The media has influenced men and women alike to subject themselves into a series of exercises both to gain weight and to lose weight. A number of studies have examined the manner in which the thin women ideal adverts concerning body image for women have influenced the society. Some other studies highlight the number of hours people interact with media platforms and the body image concerns that arise (Maxmen S58). Women get inspired to adopt a particular trend due to watching a particular advert and wanting to do the same. Men, on the other hand, will have to watch for a very long time about a particular practice that would transform their appearance. The media has all the same been in the mirror to influence men to boost their strength in different ways.

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How do overweight individuals experience their lack of body privilege on a daily basis? The current society is not positively responsive on overweight and in that case, it has been less represented. Individuals who tend to be overweight have no adequate representation both in the media and in the society active roles. Most of the time, overweight is assumed not to be a natural cause but individuals’ choice. Even though it is known that obese is a natural occurrence biologically, the society has drawn to the extreme and considers such people with obese or be suffering from their ailments. Even if the actual message was never related to obesity, that is the most common response that will be outlined. The reactions of individuals will be that the promotion is meant to enhance an unhealthy lifestyle.

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The minds of people in the current society have become more judgmental and they cannot understand that overweight just like any other condition is a natural thing and to some degree little can be done to do away with it. A significant number of people react with instant disapproval and in one way or the other affect the feelings about obese (Kwan 144). That sets out how it feels for those individuals who have such conditions and the lack of adequate representation and acceptance by society. A lot of people have been left with this feeling which tends to be a great concern for the current society. Conclusion In summary, shame, neglect, and stigma are only some of the few feelings that overweight individuals are faced with.

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