Causes of the civil war essay outline

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:History

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There are many theories that try to explain the reason for the war. However, the issue of slavery that was rampant especially in the south is seen as the main reason that led the Northerners to go into war with the Southerners. It is also noteworthy that a lot of other activities were taking place they commulatively aided in the start of the war. The founding fathers of the United States had laid a foundation on how they envisioned the American society should be. For instance, Thomas Jefferson’s presidency was considered a revolution because of his emphasis of federalism and republicanism. The Northerners were against the introduction of slavery in the newly acquired territories. On the contrary, the southerners were of the view that the new territories were to be subjected to slavery.

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In the 1830s, the North experienced a rise in the number of abolitionists. They fought against slavery. On the other hand, the South maintained its position on slavery. He noted that the American fore fathers conceived a nation that would foster equity among all men. Therefore, the end of the war would signify rebirth of freedom. The country would form a government different from the southern leadership. It would be a government that supports every person regardless of their race. Lincoln believed such a government had the ability to keep the country united for eternity. Due to White Supremacy, African Americans did not gain from the industrial advancements emerging before and after the Civil War but instead experienced segregation that lasted up to 1960s and afar.

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African American populations in the south suffered low wages thus hindering the growth and expansion of markets in that region. The region was largely an agricultural land with little or no mechanization taking place. Slave power was thus needed to drive the economy by maintain crop production. he middle and working class were also impacted. Women such as Alice Paul, Lucy Stone, Elizabeth Stanton and Lucretia Mott dedicated their lives to pushing for women’s equality in the society. Lucy Stone excelled in her education to prove that women were not intellectually inferior to men and even read out her essay for commencement in public. Alice Paul and other suffragettes were even imprisoned for their active campaign for women’s rights, equality and suffrage.

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These suffragettes felt that women were denied the right to vote and be represented in the government. They were also recognised as dead before the law once they were married. Poor working conditions was one factor. Factories during the industrialization period exposed workers to unsafe and poor working conditions as employers made their workers to labor for ten to twelve consecutive hours without a break. A large proportion of the workers were women and children. Low wages were also witnessed. Employers paid their worker's minimum wage and at times failed to pay them. As more southern states started emulating the South Carolinian example, the Federal state had to show that it was in control. It was only a matter of time before the war broke out following the incidence that occurred at Fort Sumter in 1861.

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