Change management consultation

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Business

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Change is a constant thing and hence the organization should be fully wary of its effects. To create a positive change in an organization, it is very important to plan very well and create a whole new factor that will help catapult the entire process of change. With the current debates in the society, it is very critical that every organization should utilize the whole factor of change to create a positive and lasting solution to various problems that affect the development of any organization. A. The Need for Change in the Organization The scenario given here provides a manufacturing company that needs to accept and recreate the issue of change to fully meet its core capabilities and needs. Communication is one of the major factors that can be used to create a difference between these two organizations.

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In traditional, company communication is very structured and it starts from top to bottom. The learning organization, on the other hand, has less structured communication and more informal and more applies the modern communication channels to communicate and share ideas. Decision making in the traditional communications highly centralized and it is more conferred to the top management in the organization. It is bureaucratic in nature and follows a clear structure pattern. B2: How the company can use Senge’s 5 disciplines to become a learning organization. The manufacturing organization is still using the traditional management scale and this has wholly affected how the company is working and more on the issue of developing the organization to become a modern learning organization. The company can use the Senge’s five disciplines to fully become the learning company.

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One of the key disciplines developed is shared visions. A shared vision is one of the major concepts that can drive the company forward. The end result and the nature of the change to take the company from a traditional organization to learning organizations Leading change in an organization is an important concept that can allow for massive growth and massive development in the way the organization is run and managed. Balogun and Hope-Hailey’s model provides various ways through which the entrust of the traditional to learning organization moral can be achieved. Nature of change based on the Balogun and Hope-Hailey’s model is based on the evolution of the organization from its initial take to the current state. It also follows the revolution and the adaptation strategy that will make the company move from the traditional to the learning model.

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The end results will be more appropriate as it will provide the most coherent and consistent results that will allow for the growth of the organization and change in leadership model. Data collection is primary engine that will gather for all the needed information that will either facilitate the prices of change or not. Data collection process will also help gather all the necessary knowledge and create the concept of change that will be more beneficial to the organization. The next stage is plan the action jointly that will ensure that all the identified facts and information are inherent in the management and the implementation scale of the methodology applied. The action research model is an important concept of change. It is a process of making inquiries with the main aim of improving the existing services.

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The other factor is training and education. E1: Explanation of Innovation Strategies Training and education help in the development and the promotion of the best leadership style to use to create change. The use of training and education is one of the most capable ways that the management can use to educate and train employees on the importance of relativity and innovation and how they can promote the same. F. How four site step Kotter’s Concepts can be applied to create and motivate change within an organization. The leadership strategy allows for a more efficient method of leading and management. Another factor is the culture structure. The culture of the people determines the change that needs to be undertaken. The other pillar is the system.

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