Leadership Analysis in Organizations

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Business

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Personal Mastery……………………………………. Purpose Mastery……………………………………. Change Mastery……………………………………. ……………………………6 Interpersonal Mastery……………………………………. Resilience Mastery……………………………………. Each individual is a leader, especially in their life and the decisions they make. However, the type of leadership varies with the level of influence. Leaders of countries tend to influence the lives of millions of people apart from their own life (Cashman, 2017). Thus, such leaders ought to make the right choices since they are responsible for the welfare of many others. In the corporate sector, leaders also have an influence on many employees. The other interviewee was a top-level leader called Elon Musk. Musk is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Tesla Motors. These two individuals have been able to show outstanding leadership performance and the interviews generated useful information which is necessary for this analysis report on effective leadership.

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Leadership Theory Kevin Cashman (2017) was able to create a theory of leadership that went against the traditional definition of an effective leader. As a leadership coach for over 30 years, Cashman has been exposed to numerous clients who were successful in their leadership positions. These levels are personal mastery, purpose mastery, change mastery, interpersonal mastery, being mastery, resilience mastery, and action mastery (Cashman, 2017). Mastery on all these levels defines a leader who is authentic, influential, and able to inspire value among others. Personal Mastery Personal mastery involves a leader who is self-aware and also honest about their qualities. This leader should understand their strengths and weaknesses. Such a person is able to openly show that they are not perfect and that they are likely to make mistakes or to be overwhelmed by some challenges.

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A leader who recognizes the value and worth of the people in their team is able to realize more input from the same people. Thus, interpersonal mastery is a fundamental skill for any leader since the leader is able to identify and appreciate accordingly the effort of the people in the organization (Cashman, 2017). Resilience Mastery This type of leadership mastery involves physical energy. Despite the fact that Cashman had insisted on inner attributes and skills as the necessary levels of mastery for an effective leader, resilience is another key feature. Good leaders should be able to handle the necessary physical requirements of their job. Still, this same mastery helps leaders to coach others. Leaders who have become masters in the sector of action can be the coach for other potential leaders.

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This strategy can be difficult since many people fail to meet personal goals. However, a true leader can be able to become a master at action since he or she will carry out the necessary steps professed or even the thoughts (Cashman, 2017). Main Mastery Topic The main mastery topic for the interview was change mastery. His responses showed that Musk not only learns from his past mistakes but uses the lesson as a tool for predicting future outcomes and events. This strategy enables him to be several steps ahead of his competition since he can foresee some of the challenges that might affect his organization (Dyer et al. In this regard, Musk is a master of change and it is evident through the way he leads his company and the way he effectively works with his team.

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Common Learning Themes The common learning themes are the lessons derived from the interview. The information received from the interviewees was assessed and explained according to two learning themes. Burger is open to suggestions from any employee regarding how the work environment can be enhanced. She even holds forums where every person working under her is free to speak his or her mind. Musk applies the same. In the interview, he stated that “The field of science can only be conquered by a committed team that thinks like lunatics. ” He explained this quote by saying that there is never a wrong idea since his industry involves a lot of experiments before any device can operate flawlessly. Leadership coaches and the organization where I work should apply this principle. Although a leader is responsible for many people, he or she should not be aloof, a true leader is one who works with the people and not one who dictates duties and tasks.

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References Business Wire (2013, July). “HanesBrands Appoints Elizabeth Burger as Chief Human Resources Officer. ” Berkshire Hathaway Company. G. The new business realities of the twenty-first century.  Business Horizons, 39(6), 2-5. Varela, F. J.

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