Cocaine abuse and addiction

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

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He thought that it could cure addiction to opium and alcohol. He later realized that the drug was an easy substitution of one addiction and source of another addiction. Today’s experts should learn from this. Some of them are advocating for use of products with low potent cocaine. They may cause more harm. Americans have been abusing cocaine in past 12 months. The survey also approximated that 2. million users had access to the drug in the past one month. Individuals involved in sensitization have a long way to go in curbing use of cocaine. Patricia, Sandra, & Caroline, 2007) 1. Physical effects Use of cocaine is associated with physical risks and cocaine addicts are more affected. First, there is poor supply of blood to organs because with the use of cocaine, blood vessels are constricted.

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Addicts also experience increase in body temperature, tachycardia and high blood pressure. Teenagers are predisposed to seizures, nose bleeds and chest problems. Users also increase chances of HIV infection. Instead of experiencing excitement, they experience anxiety, mood swings, irritability, sleeplessness, restlessness and delusions. Chronic use may also lead to cocaine psychosis. The resultant behavior is violent. Henry, Domenic, & Leah, 2014) 1. Prevalence of use of cocaine Today cocaine can be used by all people. The drug causes relaxation but this leads to demand for more. This is how the body ends up depending on the drug. Societal demands may force someone to choose substance that can boost their energy. Jerome, 2000) 1. Routes of administration Cocaine is available in two forms, the free base and a powder. Gender National surveys in different areas show that use is more prevalent in males.

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In Canada, women are less likely to take cocaine. Women who take cocaine are younger and also use smaller proportions than men. Women are also not likely to inject cocaine. The use of cocaine by ladies is also influenced by social relationships with men who take cocaine. Cocaine users end up in addiction because they use avoidance strategies. Addiction happens because such people are likely to relapse when a problem arises. Victor, 2017) 1. Impulsivity Studies on substance abuse and addiction have mainly focused on compulsive aspects in which the central role is played by cravings. Recently, researchers have shifted focus on impulsivity and its effect on abuse. Interpersonal aspects Influence affects adolescent behavior. Several studies have explored the relationship between drug abuse and peer influence. Peers greatly determine the onset of drug use.

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Youths organize themselves in small groups of drug users. New users learn easily because drugs are easily available. Divorce and domestic quarrels have negative effects on children. Neighborhoods also affect drug use. Disadvantaged neighborhoods are more likely to promote drug use. Addiction is more in poverty stricken communities. Victor, 2017) 1. Victor, 2017) Scientists have tried to design a vaccine to tackle cocaine addiction. A clinical trial on former cocaine abusers showed that the developed vaccine was tolerated. A few people however, developed twitching after injection. TA. CD generates specific antibodies. Individuals start with basic changes and move on to advanced stages. Group drug counseling is also used to treat cocaine dependence. Victor, 2017) Typical model of cocaine use 1. Significance of the study For purpose of the study, drug abuse can be defined as consumption of substances that harm mental, physical and social progress of a person.

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Abuse can be in the form of overdose or use for a longer period. Methodology The study was mainly qualitative. It was exploratory and descriptive. Methods deployed include field interviews and review of literature. Review of literature was extensive. Harmful effects, sociological aspects and treatment modalities are fetched from literature. These are history before use of cocaine, period of use, treatment and coping strategies. In capturing history before use of cocaine, users were asked questions of where they lived, whom they interacted with, possibility of parental divorce, substance use by parents and crime involvement. To understand more about the period of use, questions included the first time they began smoking cocaine and the triggers, cocaine use and amount spent in past 12 months and past 1 month and how they feel about cocaine use.

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To understand their quest for cure, participants were asked if they sought ant treatment and if it was effective. Coping strategies were also identified in the interviews. Immediate effects are determined by method o administration. The faster it is, the faster the effects. Medical complications Medical complications include cardiovascular effects. Heart disease is a complication of chronic cocaine use. Cocaine users also have short term rise of blood pressure. Research is also necessary to identify the effectiveness of cocaine vaccine. The government should be on the forefront of curbing use of cocaine because the rate of use is alarming. Educators need to undergo continuous education on effective ways of approaching cocaine addicts. Works Cited Henry, R. K. Patricia, A. F. Sandra, E. M. Caroline, Y. The Neuroscience of Cocaine: Mechanisms and Treatment.

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Elsevier Science.

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