Ethical principles of psychologists and conduct
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Psychology
The Ethical standards are specified as applicable rules of conduct as the psychologist. A behavior is however not enticed explicitly by an ethical standard which is not a must for it to be moral or unethical. Ethics codes are therefore scientific, educational or professional according to psychologists' activities. This ethics code is mostly applied to events such as the internet, in person, telephone, postal, etc. In decision making, the psychologist is to consider the ethics code to be added to psychology board of regulations and any applicable laws. In such activities, they supposed to be fair, respectful and honest. In reporting or describing their research, fees, qualifications, teaching or products, the psychologist is not supposed to mislead, to be unreliable and to make false statements. They are aware of their own needs, values, limitations and their belief systems and the way their work will be affected.
Psychologists tend to put thing clear for the roles played by concerned parties and making sure they function accordingly. Psychologists avoid inaccurately and potentially risk relationships. Psychologists do eradicate the effect of their work of unfairness based on such factors, and they do not participate in biased, discriminatory practices. Principle D: Fidelity and responsibility Psychologists are familiar with their bright and professional duties to the society and community in which they live and work in. They make and practice their knowledge of psychology to the public to devote to human welfare. Psychologists are in charge of the work to diminish the causes of human suffering. They try to advance the science of psychology and human health. Ethical standards These are general standards which are potentially applicable to scientific and professional activities of psychologists.
Psychologists are to provide teaching, psychological services, therapeutic, research in the exact role. Therefore, the relationship between ethics and law has helped the psychologists to make their commitment to the code of ethics which they take steps to come up with a solution to the conflict in a reasonable way (Coon, 1990). Also, sexual harassment has affected the decision making of a person. Therefore, psychologists do not practice sexual harassment. Therefore, psychologists depend on ethics code which its public statements are relatively connected to their professional services. These public statements include comments for media, lectures, brochures, personal curriculum vitae and resumes, unlimited paid and unpaid advertising, published materials, and general oral presentations (). These standards can affect one's relationship. Therefore, psychologists come up together with the patients as soon as is feasible in the relationship relevant issues, which include: confidentiality, anticipated course of therapy and nature, and fees.
Patients will then be supervised if and only if the supervisor has legal responsibility for the case. Also, psychologists provide services to people who have children, parents, and spouses. They are cautious to confirm the outset, where the psychologist will take each person of the individuals that are regarded to be the patients and the in the relationship. Services are provided by the psychologists to several people in a group which they describe the responsibilities and roles of the parties and the confidentiality limits. The relationship between professional codes and personal values related explicitly to ethical decision making. Personal values refer to the acceptable code of the ethic that identifies a person concerning different situations and circumstances in the day to day life, for example, beliefs, possible biases, and morals. Lastly, a well-established profession has a vital role to play in debating and establishing the critical dimension to guide its professional responsibility.
Ethics is deemed to be the critical guiding role of the collective undertaking of a given profession. It is a critical reflection on the everyday duties as a professional. Whereas ethical codes are evolving documents, personal values remain the same for a person as they are the things that describe us as people. In conclusion, codes of conduct and ethics codes were once considered as luxuries for public service a few years ago. no. pp. doi:10. Dion, Michel. “Corporate citizenship as an ethic of care: Corporate values, codes of ethics and global governance. ” Perspectives in Psychology, 1997, pp. doi:10. Welfel, Elizabeth Reynolds. Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy: standards, research, and emerging issues. Thomson Higher Education, 2006.
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