Counseling and Advocacy with Diverse Populations

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

The paper will describe how Equality North Carolina works with LGBTQ people, and its attempts in education, advocacy, consultation, and prevention. Moreover, this assignment will assess the organization’s multicultural services of counseling, its various resources, mission statement and history all over the program. Finally, it will explore the role of a counselor as a mental health expert, how he/she can become more culturally competent while dealing with sexual minorities as well as advocate for changes amongst these persons. Description of the Clinical Population According to Ratts et al. the general mood in the US nowadays displays as contradictory while discussing the actions and attitudes associated with sexual minorities. There exists a higher stigmatism with the cross-sex conducts and their actions impacts their development, lifestyle and families (ALGBTIC, 2018). Besides, the Pentagon's guideline that forbids transgender people from working in the military is presently undergoing reexamination.

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This is decent information for the approximated 16,000 persons energetically serving who categorize as transgender (North Carolina Counseling Association, 2018). Childhood in Pennsylvania is instructed by the courts to go to school until 16 years, putting it hard to switch schools or even drop out if they are victimized. Adolescence that is exposed concerning their sexuality are usually the goals of heterosexual bullying. Currently, sexual minorities population might appear much diverse than it did in previous decades since a rising number of LGBTQ individuals are looking for mental health services because of increasing globalization and reducing stigmatization. Development of technology by LGBT Center of Raleigh organization have similarly offered the chance for new diverse LGBTQ persons through a collection of channels: through video conferencing applications, over the mobile phone, through texts, email and even in-person.

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Sue and Sue (2016) argue that multicultural counseling competence is a process rather than an eventual objective, and is frequently established in levels by construction upon prior experience and knowledge. A multiculturally counseling competent assists in enhancing the quality of care and health results, and may back to the abolition of ethnic as well as racial health disparities (Ratts et al. The examples of approaches to change the healthcare organization towards these objectives comprises offering appropriate training on cultural counseling competence as well as cross-cultural aspects to health specialists and making policies that decrease linguistic barriers and administrative to sexual minorities. The LGBT Center of Raleigh counselors take a distinguishing leadership part in the community, nationally and sometimes even international levels in understanding the needs of a community due to their high leadership and communication skills.

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Through the counselor, the agency can give resources for religious organizations, support groups, outside services, or additional kinds of treatment in the nation. Sue and Sue (2016) claim that the agency counselor assists the organization in treating and diagnosing different mental illnesses fluctuating from depression and anxiety to personality disorders among the sexual minorities through advocacy at the community, educating and counseling. The counselor may create a link between a certain international organization that can help in supporting the agency or partner with a misfortune group that should be supported in the nation (North Carolina Counseling Association, 2018). They also act as a guide and a support for the sexual minorities since they navigate through hard milestones and decisions in their life by advocacy at a community, offering consumer education and counseling. Lastly, it will explain the role of a counselor to the benefit of the agency as well as culturally relevant strategies.

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References http://www. algbtic. org/ https://nccounselingassociation. org/ncca-divisions/algbicnc/ Ratts, M. Sue, D. W. Sue, D.  Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (7th ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

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