Study Habit Behaviour Modification

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

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The research carried out about the study habit indicates that students’ attitude and motivation plays an important role in increasing or reducing their efficiency in studying. The treatment method used to modify the behaviour is behaviour contract. This method entails several sections including a list of the behaviour to be modified, the reward and minimum conditions that one can get them, the minimum condition in redeeming the rewards, an optional section for bonus and punishment, and lastly a section of signatures to ascertain that the parties agree to the conditions stated in the contract. The teacher or parent or the psychologist have a role to ensure that the student’s interests are considered while drafting the contract. Target Behaviour: Improving study habit Study habits are behaviours adopted by students when learning in academic settings.

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Therefore, it would be necessary to initiate a behaviour modification process to help in developing efficient study habits. This process will look in to the following key factors in the modification of the study habits; attitude and motivation. i. Attitude Students’ attitude towards studies plays an important role in developing study habits. On the one hand, good attitude towards studies is quite instrumental in developing efficient study habits (Judah, Gardner, & Aunger, 2012). For example, whenever a student feels that taking classroom tasks is a kind of punishment they will try to avoid them. Classroom tasks are usually a method of developing a systematic study habit in students which encourages efficiency in studies. Therefore, it is a necessity to motivate students to take classroom tasks seriously. ii. Motivation Motivation is an important aspect in controlling study habit efficiency in students.

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Their input in the method helps to reduce friction between them and improve their efficiency (Bowman-Perrott, Burke, de Marin, Zhang, & Davis, 2015). The involvement of the student in the intervention planning stage is particularly advantageous to the entire process since students are always motivated to carry out plans which they made than those imposed on them by the teachers and parents. The method is advantageous in the sense that the participants bring varied perspectives into the issue and therefore the planning process has sufficient data which eases the process. The behaviour contract entails several sections including a list of behaviours to be reinforced or reduced, minimum conditions for rewards, conditions under which the student can redeem the points or get the reward, a bonus or punishment clause, and signature section (Frank & Scharff, 2013).

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The list of behaviour to be reinforced or reduced normally has goals of the student (or any other person whose behaviour is being modified) stated in goal-oriented and positive manner. This will help to keep the student in a particular track towards making the goals a habit (Frank & Scharff, 2013). For example, the teacher may state that if the student has collected 20 points, they may redeem them. The other part in the contract should also state the bonuses and punishment that may be given to the student if they fail to attain certain performance levels. However, this section is normally optional but an important one especially when the teacher or psychologist wants to keep the students on toes towards the achievement of the goal (Biswas, 2016). The last segment is for the signatures of the parties involved in the contract.

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October). Learning contracts in undergraduate courses: Impacts on student behaviors and academic performance.  Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 13(4), 36-53. Retrieved from https://files. eric. Zhang, N. Davis, H. A meta-analysis of single-case research on behavior contracts effects on behavioral and academic outcomes among children and youth. Behavior modification, 39(2), 247-269. Judah, G. The effects of teachers’ attitudes on students’ personality and performance.  Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30, 738-742. doi:10. j. sbspro.

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