Cognitive Development Research
Document Type:Thesis
Subject Area:Psychology
Methods to be used in data collection include the use of a self-empathy questionnaire, social cognition battery, as well as administration of non-social cognition tests. Data was aimed to study social behaviors including emotion recognition, mentalizing, working memory, selective attention, social knowledge, and executive functions. The purpose of the study is, therefore, to provide a better understanding of the cognitive development in adolescents by focusing on the social, behavioral changes. Introduction Adolescence is a stage that every adult pass through in the growth and development process. It is the period ranging from sexual maturation to the attainment of adult roles and responsibilities. The social cognition abilities and social skills used by teens to navigate successfully through the stage have also been discussed like forming romantic relationships. There is detailed information analyzing the behavioral changes in the teens as they pass through the stage that facilitates their interactions with other peers by developing a sense of understanding.
The article discusses how the theory of mind, also referred to us mentalizing influence the mental behaviors such as beliefs, emotions, desires as well as intentions, (Tousignant et al, 214-223). It also helps to provide an understanding of how factors such as social knowledge and emotions contribute to mentalizing. The relationship between empathy and social cognition is discussed through analyzing emotional experiences. There is need to carry out a detailed study to analyze and assess these behavioral changes that will be significant in providing a better understanding of cognitive development from adolescence to adulthood. The current study aims to achieve a comprehensive investigation of cognitive development from adolescence to adulthood by addressing the behavioral changes in the adolescents. Hypotheses There exist several relationships between the variables being studied in the research that helps to answer the research questions to achieve the objectives.
The relationship between the brain development and the behavioral changes is significant to answer some questions in the study. There is need to determine how the behavioral changes are affected by age for instance, when do teens start developing romantic love for each other. Also Integrated Social Cognition Battery was used to assess social cognition as well as the use of self-reported empathy questionnaire. Other materials include digit span test, the color-word interference test, the interpersonal reactivity index, and the non-social cognition measures. Results There is a variation in the behavioral changes depending on the age distribution. During the stage, change in age was accompanied by changes in social behaviors of the study population. There is a significant relationship between the aspects of cognitive development which means that the factors influence each other.
The statistical technique used by the author was chosen so that it covers a wide scope of the study population and collect every important information. The results of the research were linked to the hypothesis since they provided the relationship that existed between the aspects such as the relationship between emotion experiences and the age. A lot of the result conformed to the theories and the concepts that the author had used in the literature review. The limitation of the study included the lack of accurate materials and procedures to be used to be used in collecting and analyzing the data to provide a clear relationship between the variables and the author recommended to apply better techniques and procedure in future. Work Cited Tousignant, Béatrice, et al.
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