Collaborating With Human Services Professionals

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

The counselors, therefore, work in multidisciplinary teams. There is a common ground that exists between the inter-professional relationships regardless of whether the collaboration is between area hospitals and government-appointed social workers, or a school nurse strategizing with a school counselor. The forthcoming discussion will analyze collaborative case studies in an attempt to derive a clear understanding of the dynamics with a focus on adult and child therapists. The discussion will break down the roles and functions of counseling professionals. A debate on the ethical and legal aspects the teamwork will serve as a guideline on how the collaborative professionals must coordinate. The case description document highlights that while the client is seeing her counselor, her children are meeting at child play sessions of therapy.

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The child therapist is responsible for determining the issues with the children and create a link to their guardian. The psychologist has encountered the client but is unable to get her to complete any of the tests after the initial meeting. The role of the child therapist is to asses the children in an attempt to identify and work through any problems that could arise (Glueckauf, et al. The child therapist, therefore, seeks to share information with the client’s counselor to determine the cause of the observations she made about the children. 1 classifiec as Impaired driving. This is evident when the patient shows up at the clinic, and the attending counselor notices that she is a culprit of substance abuse (Kaplan, et al.

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The attending counselor has a responsibility to report the client for violating the law on impaired driving because it was clear that the patient had consumed sufficient alcohol at the relevant time after driving. The second legal issue is classified under The Juvenile Code, Chapter 7B, 101. The section defined an abused juvenile and how such children should be rescued. The second ethical issue is classified as D. b Informed Consent in Formal Consultation. The section provides that counsellors have a duty to review the responsibilities and rights of both consultees and counsellors. They are also required to inform other oparties involved concerning the services that should be provided. The counsellor violated this section by by neglecting to inform all the parties involved in the potential risks, limits, benefits, and relevant costs of the services provided (ACA, 2014).

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Creation of appropriate safeguards is a valid means of preventing bias. Counselors can carry out a comprehensive risk assessment before the client is discharged from the hospital or make a routine of arranging a collateral history (Ratts & Greenleaf, 2018). Communication Strategies for Legal and Ethical Issues Dear Judith, My name is Anita. I am a counselor at a community health center. I am writing to you about a patient I am currently seeing. The consultation process is crucial to the provision of the best care and therefore the application of the necessary rules on confidentiality as well as consent must be adhered to. Furthermore, when seeking consultation from colleagues or superiors, the consultee must follow the proper channels. References Glueckauf, R. , Maheu, M.

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