Communication Gaps in Strategy and Technology Consulting Firms

Document Type:Proposal

Subject Area:Computer Science

Document 1

Considering the role that communication plays for the growth of any given firm, it is a concern that should never be neglected. The most common communication gaps that exist in most of the firms are priority gaps, proficiency gaps as well as assessment gaps. These gaps ought to be considered and fully addressed to ensure that proper concerns are fulfilled (Goetsch, & Davis, 2014). This study will highlight the gaps that have considerably become a problem to most firms. The senior management of most firms have wondered on the most appropriate way that could be used to effectively contain the communication gap. The study identified gaps in literature and noted a call to action to define internal communication for organizations. As a matter of fact, most of the employers tend to treat employees without the considerations of key contributions to the general business growth (Harter, & Adkins 2015).

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This tendency creates communication gaps due to the way employees of different generations and cultural backgrounds perceive the meaning of different instruction or direction. Saurabh and Chattopadhyay (2013) noted how communication gaps adversely affect organizations among employees such as large turnover, lowered production, and unclear priorities. Some impacts from communication gaps are obvious and some are not, however; minor disruptions have negative affects to organizations (Saurabh & Chattopadhyay, 2013). Problem Statement To date, limited research shows a relationship between communication gaps and employee satisfaction. Even though different studies conducted in different consulting firms indicates that employees are not satisfied with the effectiveness of communication within the organization, there is still more to be done (Kim, 2014). Furthermore; little research has proven key strategic identification of gaps through a correlation between communication gaps and management issues in strategy and technology consulting firms (Coombs, 2014).

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The purpose of the studies conducted is to ensure that existing communication gaps have been identified. It focuses in creating awareness in highlighting communication gaps in consulting firms. This study will examine some of the issues that contribute to communication gaps between leadership and the workforce in strategy and technical consulting firms as well as offer possible solutions to these issues. After understanding some of the different studies that have been undertaken, it is clear that consulting firms have a lot of communication gaps that have not been addressed adequately. Despite the efforts that have been laid down, efficiency have not been outlined. There needs to be proper considerations of the various management inadequacies that makes communication impossible (Falkheimer, 2014). There should be proper concerns that will aid in the effectiveness of the various processes in the entire communication channel.

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Historical research design is the best fit method to undertake this study. In addition, the study will propose a theoretical model including software collaboration tools to mitigate issues current communication flow and processes cause. The purpose of historical theory study is to identify and determine which issues contribute to communication gaps in strategy and technology consulting firms. The study will use historical theory to considerably identify the different communication gaps and bring out clearly some of the key things that can be used to reduce the problem (Coombs, 2014). The central phenomena for the study is inter-organizational culture and communication which contributes to communication gaps such as lack of physical presence, lack of communication satisfaction, scheduling problems, and lack of formal communication delivery. Another theoretical framework that would be considered is the mechanistic theory of communication.

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This foundational theory stipulates that in order for communication to be a perfect transaction it should considerably move from the sender to the receiver without any given problem (Trevino, & Nelson, 2016). The effectiveness of a communication in an organization will be credible when key gaps have been addressed. Identification, evaluation and giving a clear and precise alternative solutions to the identified communication problem is effective. In order to understand the feelings and thought of the receiver, it is significant to consider psychological framework. With the ability to share files, calendars, and ideas, collaboration software may help organizations identify ways to improve communication. Strategy and technology consulting firm leaders may find the study useful in increasing their knowledge of the impacts of communication gaps and proposed solutions from the theoretical model (Kim, 2012). The theoretical communication workflow model based on results of study participants could help these leaders understand how communication issues could be mitigated through the incorporation or expanded use of software collaboration tools.

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Literature Review Strategy An appropriate literature review strategy will be developed and proper terms concerning communication gaps in strategic and technological consulting firms (Kern, 2012). With the proper identification of key words such as communication gap and effective communication, the literature search will be facilitated with as few challenges as possible. Despite of the existence of other research designs, historical research design is the appropriate method for this study because it tries to identify how communication gaps present issues to strategy and technology consulting firms (Camilli, & Elmore, 2012). The general approach to analyzing qualitative data using historical theory creates new categories which cannot be confined to coding before analyzing data. The participants in this study will provide the data in which the theory will be evaluated. This approach will help form the communication workflow which will display a diagram of how communication gap issues in strategy and technology consulting firms could be resolved (Camilli, & Elmore, 2012).

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However, the use of historical research design will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the attitudes, behaviors, and the experiences of employees in a strategy and technology consulting firm, which will assist in studying the purpose of this qualitative study. It is mandatory to ensure that appropriate channels have been outlined and effective plans achieved (Creswell, 2013). This method will be used to effectively develop some of the key components that might be mandatory in the effectiveness of the study. This method will get into the root cause of the problem and bring out the gaps that have been outlined. In fact, it will develop key proponents that are necessary for effectiveness and ensure that the right measures have been undertaken. Even though ethnographic research design is another significant design, the best research design to be adopted in this study will be historical research design.

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The selected samples will be considered and ensure that only the most appropriate sample that will best align with the population is selected (Kim, 2012). The selected firms will be outlined and the leaders will be sampled out to ensure that there is due precision and accuracy. The selection of members of the different consulting firms will be identified and ideally outlined randomly. This aspect will ensure that the right components required for the study to be effective has been recorded. Nature of the Study In this study, qualitative method was used. The method of research is inductive, thus it does not need an initial hypothesis, diverse quantitative research (Kim, 2012). This is since behavioral as well as socio-cultural patterns materialize over time and in cases are not noticed until after research has been done.

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After selecting area of interest, one would need to make mind up on research setting and also establish what methods they will use to conduct the research. The design will considerably bring out some key proponents that will bring out the different attitudes and behavioral components (Yin, 2013). This aspect is a key concern of obtaining a biased free information. The specialists are as it were an instrument used to gather essential information, and the adaptable idea of subjective research implies they are not bound by an inflexible procedure and can adjust their examination when required. The last phase of subjective research is reviewing discoveries. Research results can be assembled to shape a book, diary, article or reports. Even though ethnography research design will be employed in the study, it will not provide an appropriate knowledge gap to critically evaluate the problem that firms encounter.

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Communication is a key element that should be considered and appropriately undertaken to ensure that various key components have been established. There are other key issues that the instrument will also be able to address which are basically very essential. To obtain the most appropriate survey approach, the mechanism to be used is the implementation of survey monkey. The online tool will be able to randomly select individuals over a large location and give clear data concerning the various opinions raised. Scope and Delimitations The scope of the study will be to understand some of the most common communication gaps that exists in most of the strategic and consulting firms. The different organizational proponents that contribute significantly to the adverse communication problems will critically be evaluated (Yasin and Yasin, 2013). Creating a suitable and fit environment within the work system is one key mitigating component that should be implemented.

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It is necessary to ensure that proper policy approach is effectively employed despite the speculations made. In fact, most of the organizations usually develop the best mechanisms that can be used as significant guidelines for effective communication (Best, & Kahn, 2016). The study uses this approach in order to understand considerably different components that have been laid down and appropriated to ensure that proper key procedures are undertaken without any further limitations. The assumptions drawn gives the best option that could be adhered to and ensure that the right proponents have been undertaken. The measures are appropriate ways that will facilitate in the general implementation processes. This ensures that communication within a consulting firm is considerably sustained. It is one of the best approaches that will yield greater results that can be used to effectively reduce the problems that people encounter in their daily lives.

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Summary The application of historical theory study will identify how communication gaps in strategic and technical consulting firms impact organizational goals and productivity. This study will extend the knowledge and understanding the issues communication gaps present to strategy and technology consulting firms. The data collected will be a representation of adequate information that will be used to resolve management issues within strategy and technology consulting firms. The data collection instrument will also address how the various communication gaps exists within organizations and the proper strategies of implementing various key effectiveness. Definition of Terms Effective communication Refers to a simple form that will pass information from one point, from the origin, to another point, the receiver, without distorting the content of information passed across. Communication gap Communication gap occurs when the particular meaning intendent by a sender will be misinterpreted by the receiver.

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Chapter Two Literature Review Introduction This chapter provides significant information from different publications related on the outline research problem. One significant term to be critically evaluated is strategy and consulting firms. With this being the central aspect of our study, it is significant to understand and document all the things about strategy firms. They are firms that undertake different consultations and give appropriate advice and offer solutions to other companies and individuals. It will be effective to understand the key principles of effective communication and ensure that the right approach is undertaken to undertake the entire process considerably. Historical Content Maxwell (2012) defined organizational communication as the process which allows particular critical information to be relayed by an organization to its employees and other people within the firm. The level of accomplishment of any organization will always depend on the manner in which different prospects are considered.

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It ensures that the right components have been addressed and the people can efficiently overcome different milestones that are required for the effectiveness of different significant steps. Min order to solve various contradictions and conflicts within a given organization, communication is always necessary (Maxwell, 2012). The management of the consulting firm will always look for appropriate ways that will help them to overcome different components that will make them succeed. For a suitable working environment, people must always work together, think together and interlink as one. In places where effective communication is not possible, the life of an individual will be completely difficult to unravel some meanings (Kern, 2012). The issues of life that we find it difficult to explain can be understood through communication. In fact, people are in a position to effectively come up with ways that will help them undertake different components that will help them to build their communication skills.

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Professionalism and competence are always measured by the manner in which people communicate different aspects of life. Go ahead and hire me so that I can start working on it immediately. Proper communication allows people to understand the different structures that can help build up the manner in which different components are undertaken. It is necessary to effectively understand some key aspects that will help the firm to realize a reliable and most effective work that will help them achieve different components (Kern, 2012). Communication gaps usually come about as a result of inefficiencies caused by different individuals with the aid of helping the entire system understand various proponents that will help them overcome different milestones. It is necessary to effectively know the right approach that will help them to overcome the problems that come as a result of communication.

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Having a proper internal communication is one of the key element that holds organizations in the righty organizational positions. In most occasions, the lower employees will require being given effective directions from their top leaders (Stark, Whitlock, & Cornett, 2014). Failure to get this help will result in many inconveniences that will affect the manner in which they perform their operations. Communication is a key component that a company cannot survive without its proper use. Gaps in communication usually come with a lot of problems that entirely makes the firm even collapse. Some companies have never been able to revive from their problems due to ineffective communication that they have outlined. The end of such ignorance is usually frustrations and improper future coordination. A serious company should have serious personnel who can make effective implementations on time.

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When people do not consider some of the key communication structure as important, it will lead to communication gap. Employees ought to understand the manner in which various aspects should be considered and ensure that proper guidelines have been followed. Most of the workers miss out to perform what was required of them due to the delivery of wrong information (Pirkkalainen, & Pawlowski, 2014). There have been a lot of cases being reported that have led to a lot of communication backdrop in the firms. People are now not able to make their views concerning a particular major change effective because of the way in which the top managers reacts to their issues. Most of the decisions that the lower management obtain have already been decided, and they are not given any form of responsive considerations (Jenifer & Raman, 2015).

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Even though they might be having a major issue that needs to be implemented, no proper platform can help them give out their opinions. Furthermore, this current development has led to a lot of problems between the top and the lower management. This conceptual framework is further explained considerably in the following sections. Integral approach to communication which supports management crisis When communication within a firm, different levels of crisis are established in due course. In the implementation of management needs and communication needs, there will always arise some of the inconsistencies that lead to the crisis (Inayat et al. Such problems are usually a problem in the manner in which a firm undertake most of its operation. This conceptual framework has outlined various aspects that will restrain people not to meet all the necessary components of the entire process effectively.

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Process approach to emergency and crisis risk communication This conceptual model classifies significant communication gaps throughout the firm in the risk messages, warnings and preparations. Risk communication always focuses on the period before the risk has materialized while communication crisis continues being a problem to the firm (Gordon, & Perrey, 2015). Containing communication risks and crisis management is a key component that would effectively understand the key factors that will effectively undertake different processes. It is the key aspect that is necessary for the management of the key proponents of the right proponents. Risk management is always a hard task but a key aspect that is necessary. It is required to effectively understand some of the key components that will ensure the right procedures have been followed to ensure that the most appropriate steps have been undertaken.

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With such considerations, the study will follow a given procedure and methodology that will give the anticipated study materials. In any given study, literature methodology is always a key determinant of the manner in which the study could be relied upon. A study with the main focus on the manner in which the different materials were used will ensure that they have all the necessary components that will eventually give the right procedure and give the right procedure to effectively undertake the study (Guerrero, Andersen, & Afifi, 2017). Primary sources are considered to be the most reliable sources that can be used to back up significant arguments in the study. Literature Research A firm finds it completely hard to undertake most of its processes when there is no clear communication relationship. The employees of a given consulting firm need to understand some of the important factors that keep them effective and productive.

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One component being communication. Communication gaps usually impact the manner in which people interact generally. In fact, it will be completely complex for them to cope up with the given situations no matter how hard to operationalize their activities (Maxwell, 2012). For many years, it has become sophisticated for most people to communicate effectively and ensure that proper considerations have been undertaken. Firms that have a strong interpersonal relationships and the rate of communication is high usually perform better as compared to those with poor communication structure. Basically, it is communication that determines that manner in which a firm performs. Communication gaps usually reduce the existing employee morale in a greater sense. The motivation of employees is usually created by effective communication. A properly structured organization should always have reliable management who can give and offer the right decisions that will be used to influence the decisions that people make.

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Managers should always look for the loopholes that exist within an organization and try as much as possible to eliminate such. This will ensure that the problems raised have been solved on a timely manner. When lower employees raise problems and issues affecting them that needs immediate considerations, it should be addressed instantly. Delays and ineffective responses may lead to the general delay of the entire system (Chaney, & Martin, 2013). Poor strategy in executing a particular implementation can be one of the areas that brings about lack of proper and reliable communication. When a given strategy is not effectively executed as it was planned, there will be a lot of problems that will rise up and the people will end up becoming affected from the manner in which the process is eventually undertaken.

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It is always necessary to understand the manner in which the entire process is being undertaken and learn the key aspects that might enable the process to be effective (Kasper, & Kellerman, 2014). Communication gaps are internal components that exists within a firm and will always affect the general outcome that will result from the manner in which the process is executed. There are other key factors that might arise and affect the people from generally undertaking the right principles that will lead to other key factors within the firm. As a result, some core design concepts were implemented following an earlier research that was conducted to effectively give a clear stipulated framework that could bring effective proponents of the study. Different articles were used to bring out key design approaches and state some of the prospects concerning the different communication gaps (Coombs, 2014).

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The model to explain how the society and the civil society can be used to support different communication was established. This will give a clear understanding of the steps that ought to be followed and some of the principle components that will be estimated. It is also necessary to understand some key aspects that are usually required in the entire process to ensure that the right prospects and considerations have been brought to account. This study highlights this significant factors and brings out the most appropriate aspects that have helped the manner in which people interact with each other. Literature design will provide reliable primary and secondary sources and the manner in which the study will be undertaken. In fact, it will be easy to effectively conduct a reliable research based upon the given study and estimate all the key components that will give clear and proper studies.

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It is usually a key factor to look at the manner in which the different aspects that will give a clear set up a structure that will give a clear proponent for the study. The design will also be a suitable tool to give the right procedural aspects that will give clear studies and outline some of the study materials that have been used. In fact, the firm has the right operational proponents due to the existence of effective communication. Most of the successes are built form the manner in which communication is undertaken. Strategy and consulting firms usually consider different proponents that are mandatory in the effectiveness of the manner in which different speculative frameworks are considered. This study establishes different aspects which have facilitated the manner in which different aspects of communication is effectively adopted (Kasper, & Kellerman, 2014).

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Every firm strives to have an effective communication framework that will create a conducive environment to undertake effective processes. It is necessary to look at key prospects that will ensure the process is effective and that the right components have been outlined and effectively followed. Chapter 3 Title [start section text here] Chapter 4 Title [start section text here] Chapter 5 Title [start section text here] References Alberts, J. K. Nakayama, T. K. Bolin, G. Skogerbø, E. Age, generation, and the media. Northern Lights: Film & Media Studies Yearbook, 11(1), 3-14. Campbell-Enns, H. Pearson Higher Ed Creswell, J. W.  Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications. Creswell, J. The power of strategic communication in organizational development. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 6(2), 124. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/1651162704?accountid=35812 Goetsch, D. L.

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Camilli, G. Elmore, P. B. Eds. Haslam, S. A. van Knippenberg, D. Platow, M. J. Societies, 5(3), 583-597. Inayat, I. Salim, S. S. Marczak, S. Kasper, G. Kellerman, E. Communication strategies: Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic perspectives. Routledge. Kern, M. Sage publications. Mishra, K. Boynton, L. Mishra, A. Driving employee engagement: The expanded role of internal communications. Royle, J. Laing, A. The digital marketing skills gap: Developing a Digital Marketer Model for the communication industries. International Journal of Information Management, 34(2), 65-73. Saurabh, S. John Wiley & Sons. Urquhart, C. Fernández, W. Using grounded theory method in information systems: The researcher as blank slate and other myths.  Journal of Information Technology, 28(3), 224-236. Sage publications. Footnotes [start section text here] Appendix A Title [start section text here] AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY [start section text here].

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