Jaguar Cars Detailed Project Proposal
Document Type:Proposal
Subject Area:Computer Science
This audience can then be effectively converted into customers and consumers who can be engaged in direct personal communication with the media marketers. In a nutshell, the current digital age has revolutionized the aspect of marketing by improving speed and quality of communication between marketers and potential consumers (Gandini, 2016). One of the main aims of digital marketers is to create deep connections between the product being marketed and the consumers of this product so that subconscious recognition of the product is established in the digital world. When this level of digital marketing is achieved, the product is said to have attained brand recognition (Swaminathan, 2016). However, unlike in traditional markets where brand recognition implies the connections between the product itself and consumers themselves in the physical world, digital branding entails establishing connections between the product and the potential buyers in the digital world (Gandini, 2016).
Since then, Jaguar has continuously been manufacturing lang rover type vehicles under its Jaguar brand name. Scope of Study This research precisely focuses on Jaguar Cars as a company which needs to improve its brand perception in the global market. While other automobile companies may be mentioned in the course of the research, the main focus is on Jaguar. Secondly, the research focuses on how Jaguar Cars can develop a digital branding strategy. Since there are many aspects of digital branding, the literature reviewed shows that the most effective digital marketing/branding approaches include social media marketing, search engine marketing, and website marketing. While these digital techniques are currently available for exploitation, implementation of an effective digital marketing approach has proved to be a challenge for Jaguar Cars. Objectives General Objective To develop a digital branding strategy that will assist Jaguar Cars improve its product brand awareness, create an emotional connection with potential buyers, and achieve buyer preference over other luxury vehicles.
Specific Objectives To find out the current brand recognition level of Jaguar Cars To develop a new social media branding strategy aimed at improving brand recognition of Jaguar Cars To develop a new search marketing branding strategy aimed at improving brand recognition of Jaguar Cars To develop a new website branding strategy aimed at improving brand recognition of Jaguar Cars To determine the effectiveness – by measuring brand of the new social media, website, mobile, and search marketing branding strategies developed for Jaguar Cars Literature Review Digital Branding Digital branding refers to a brand management approach which uses a combination of digital marketing and internet branding to develop a corporate brand over a given range of digital avenues. Such avenues include internet-based relationships, media content, or device-based applications. The main aim of digital branding is to deliver value proposition which unique and authentic so as to make potential customers understand the company as a whole as well as the specific product that the company is selling.
Gaining international recognition is one thing, actual improvement of sales is another thing. Lastly, the brand must have excellent craftsmanship for a similar reason as that of excellent artistic dimension. Craftsmanship and artistic dimension reveal the most luxurious aspects of the vehicle brand. The aspects must be unique from other brands so as to gain recognition due to the luxurious uniqueness. Digital Branding Approaches Social Media Marketing Social Media marketing takes advantage of the increased social media use in the 21st century to reach out to as many audiences as possible (Stelzner, 2014). Web Analytics involves collecting, measuring, analyzing, and reporting data extracted from a website for purposes of understanding and improving web usage. Web analytics has grown to become an important tool for market research and digital brand development. The basic premise is that the higher the amount of web visits, the higher the web recognition.
If the website has SEO marketing, a higher degree of web traffic illustrates the effectiveness of the SEO marketing approach (Järvinen & Karjaluoto, 2015). Search Engine Marketing Search engine marketing aims at improving the ranking of a website in search engines. The researcher has identified an online brand survey tool known as NetPromoter, which analyzes both customers’ ranking of the brand as well as their likelihood of recommending the brand to other potential buyers. Precisely, NetPromoter includes questions aimed at finding out the customers’ attitudes towards the brand, their level of attachment and loyalty to the brand, and their overall engagement in the brand. NetPromoter is based on the following question; How likely is it that you would recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague? The responses are given a scale ranging from 0 to 10.
If a customer selects a value of zero, the implication is that they are ‘NOT AT ALL LIKELY’ to promote the brand, hence they have a negative attitude towards the brand. This implies that even if they recognize the brand, they are unlikely to advise other people to adopt the brand. Web popularity. In order to determine web popularity for Jaguar’s website, the researcher will determine the number of pages of Jaguar’s site that have been indexed by Google, the most common search engine. Web saturation. In order to determine web saturation, the researcher will find out, using Google as the most common search engine, the number of back-links that Jaguar’s site has. The higher the web saturation, the higher the brand recognition. Website Marketing entails a wide range of digital and internet marketing strategies aimed at increasing Jaguar’s brand awareness all over the internet.
Such strategies include link marketing on social media and mass media adverts of Jaguar’s website. Measuring the Effectiveness of the Developed Brand Brand Recognition – Achieved through online surveys to random targeted niche markets Brand perception – Achieved through NetPromoter’s brand survey tool References Järvinen, J. Karjaluoto, H. The use of Web analytics for digital marketing performance measurement. Hassan, A. Dadwal, S. S. Search Engine Marketing: An Outlining of Conceptualization and Strategic Application. In Competitive Social Media Marketing Strategies (pp. Glynn, M. S. Brodie, R. J. Consumer brand engagement in social media: Conceptualization, scale development and validation. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 43(6), 518-537. O'Shea, P. Jaguar cars.
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