Dental implant and its effect on primary stability in immediate sites
The body functions as a full unit with the mouth playing a key role in establishing the first part of the digestive system. Dental implants are one of the biggest discoveries, and the question to poses is the significance they bring and the need to have the implants (Incorporated). The society though it is not familiar with the need of having implants we have to get informed and educated on the need and importance of implants (Misch). There are different shapes and designs of implants these include cylindrical, screw or the blade shape of implants that are drilled into the bone (M. M. The gum is soft and weak but will be forced to endure the pressure brought about during mastication. Is this bad and what are the effects? This is the first question that should cross every person's mind (Doan).
However, most people will tend to ignore that and leave the gum as it is (Bergström). Having a clear understanding of how the implants may affect the stability of the primary site will be critical in determining how primary fixation is affected by shapes of implants. Hence the question ‘HOW CAN THE SHAPE AND DESIGN OF OSSEOUS IMPLANT COMPONENTS AFFECT PRIMARY FIXATION IN IMMEDIATE IMPLANT SITES?’ Background Implants are affected by many things. The gap is hence there for life, and the best thing to do to correct this is to have a tooth implant done. In the case of children losing their teeth, this is not employed as they have temporary teeth that once they come off, permanent teeth grow hence the children does not get implants as their teeth can re-grow.
For the adults in the situation that a tooth is extracted, there will be a need to implant another considering the cosmetic value that teeth offer us and one of the major reasons why people would opt for dental implants (Angelis, Sorrenti and Modena). What procedure is involved in conducting an implant and how implants affect the site is the key focus mostly entailing the stability of the bones (Steigenga). The primary site of the implant is the most focused on as it bares the highest effect of the outcome of implantation and hence would be most necessary to perform a site check on the area to determine what happens to the region(R. It is with no doubt a fact that happens to be certainly true. The assumptions made are that there is no negative consequence to dental implants and this is not entirely true.
There are negatives; however, this can be neglected as there are way more benefits to this than the negatives that can arise hence this is the main reason why benefits are upheld(Schwarz). Advances that have been made in the particular field are certainly all positives as with better care arising the gum and bones forming the mouth are better cared for hence reducing the effects of the negatives that may be as a result of dental implants done (Sembulingam and Sembulingam). More so, for dental implants shapes and designs over time better has been realized and the need to used an appropriate design the cylindrical design is accepted as it is quite firm and lasts over time. For each implant, the primary stability, the aesthetic result, and the bone level changes were assessed by a single blinded and independent assessor.
The study by –Angelis 2016- was done grouping the patients into non-smokers; light smokers who smoke less than ten cigarettes in a day and heavy smokers who smoke eleven or more cigarettes in a day. Radiography of the site was taken before the implants to have a clear record of what was there before the study was done. All the partakers had to sign an informed consent form to demonstrate that they had known about the details of the study (including procedures, follow-up evaluations and any potential risks involved). They were given an opportunity to ask questions about this study and were apprised of treatment alternatives(Angelis, Sorrenti and Modena). Primary stability is a requirement for osseointegration(Angelis, Sorrenti and Modena). However, the insertion torque needs controlled values so as not to increase remodeling of the bone around the implants that can lead to a resorption of most coronal threads.
In post-extraction sites, the anatomy itself is not favorable for faster achievement of primary stability and osseointegration(Angelis, Sorrenti and Modena). Titanium grade 4 is the implant body material used, and the surface is of controlled micro-roughness obtained through a double-acid etching process. As reported by the manufacturer, morphologic analysis by scanning electron microscopy shows that this roughness of the treatment surface favors initial osteoblastic anchoring. et al (2002) Pessoa et al (2011) Atieh MA. et al (2013) Lorenzoni et al (2003) Vanessa Montoya-Salazar et al (2014) Glauser et al (2007) Boquete-Castro et al (2015) These are articles used to conduct the literature review Pilot study The study is easily done and the results determined easily since the study does not use very many people. This makes the study easy to determine and monitor for anything that may arise during the study (West and Oates).
The coverage of time is very crucial in the process three years portrayed to be very convenient to assess the implications of the dental implants to determine how the primary fixation and stability of implant is (Papaspyridakos). Aims and objectives The basic aims of the experiment done are to have a clear picture of how the dental implant stability is affected and what can be done to work on the basic tooth nature (Alves and Neves). Variables The sex of the patients can be considered too. However, both male and female patients were used in the study. The race is also something that can vary and the study was open to any race to ensure a full coverage of the study was done to benefit all the people(D. S. O'Sullivan).
O'Sullivan). This is very good and necessary to understand the basic structure of an implant and how it affects the exercise of dental implantation. Different shapes and designs are employed in the procedure, and the best of the shapes determined considering the effect to the gum the stability of the implant and the interaction with the bone (Moon). It is only but ethical to incorporate the principles of medical ethics where the patient is the main focus and based on the principle non-nonmaleficence where it is better not to harm the patient than to intend on doing well (F. a. Having to review the literature will result in understanding of dental implants better. The implants according to the literature will bring about answers to any question like the question about stability of the dental implant due to its design is a tried study and the result given hence in understanding the literature reviews the answers to dental questions will be determined (Montoya-Salazar, Castillo-Oyague and Torres-Sanchez).
Development of dental implants designs can be determined from the study. Different design implants will be abolished and the best dental design such as cylindrical will be up help where the stability of the tooth is acknowledged. Furthermore from the reviews of the literature there has been a determinant that immediate dental implants are highly advice rather than dental implants that are done years later (Atieh, Alsabeeha and Duncan). Chewing is also affected, and the tooth on the immediate opposite jaw may overgrow as it is not restricted to a certain growth limit as there is a free space to grow (Dos Santos). Different materials are used as dental implants hence the need to have each material analyzed and effects. Stability and a normal dental tooth implant can be a result where a perfect integration of the implant with the jaw bone and this result in a perfect tooth function (Lang).
It is a replacement of the old tooth, and a covering of the gap that may be from the region of extraction hence no significant change is expressed after a tooth implant is done on an area of tooth extraction (F. A. During a dental implant this capillaries are cut and the dental implant tooth that is implanted does not require blood supply for it to survive as they are not alive hence the capillaries may end up shedding a lot of blood during the process(Bilhan). This will directly affect the gum and most of the cases results in edema at the gum level. Immediate dental implants correct the problem of not having to deal with the problem of having pain and drilling this is because the extracted tooth leaves behind a gap with a hole that can be filled and the healing process certainly occurs once unlike the situation where it is done later after the gum and bone has healed from a tooth extract and then drilled and tempered with.
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