The Effects of Male Mentoring Program on Student Behavior of Latino Male
Policies formulated to improve students behavior, achievement, and attendance has failed. These factors only solve school-based factors that push students out of schools but fail to analyze external forces influencing the behavior of Latino students. McCaskey (2015) observed that mentoring programs tend to help the women of color achieve academic success by providing social and academic support. The study uses qualitative case study design; comprising surveys and instruments such as interviews to determine the extent to which mentoring programs support academic and behavioral adjustment of male Latino students. The report further seeks to determine why it is vital to establish exclusively male mentoring programs geared towards Latino male students. The mentoring programs have the potential of increasing the number of Latino male students completing their education. The majority of research of mentorship programs has primarily focused African American minorities in low socioeconomic communities that have produced students with low academic achievement and behavior issues in school.
The minorities in low socioeconomic communities also consist of Latinos. Ayon (2013), noted that Latinos are the fastest growing minority group and the largest non-White ethnic group in the United States. That creates a need to investigate the impact of mentorship programs on their academic performance. Unfortunately, Latino male students have very few if any role models in the society. Latinos are some of the marginalized communities with only a few of them who have made to the top. In order to mentor them mentally, the school and other stakeholders will have to revise the current mentorship programs to make them more effective in the contemporary society. This study will seek to evaluate how the behavior of the Latino male students can be influenced positively using social learning theory. Utilizing the theory, the researcher will determine if the students are able to pay attention in class, retain what they have learnt, and reproduce it during exam times.
On the other hand, Dension and Hill (2010) prefer instrumental and reciprocal mentoring because they integrate reward and punishment as provided by social learning theory. Problem Statement There is need to study the effectiveness of mentorship programs designed for Latino Male students. Though there has numerous effort to bolster the completion rates of Latino male student in schools, there has been no much improvement yet so much resources are pumped towards improvement of Latino male student’s education. Nevertheless, their female counterparts have received much social and financial support for their education. Price-Mitchel, (2013) established that, certainty of the effects of mentoring programs on academic and behavioral aspects of Latino male students is not clear hence the need for the study. To what extend do the mentoring programs affect academic and social behavior of Latino male students? 6.
Why is it vital to develop Latino male student’s mentorship programs? In answering the above questions, the researcher will have to determine the total number of students in mentorship programs. Additionally, the researcher will determine the number of male Latino students in those programs. Similarly, the researcher will have to determine the number of students who have not enrolled in those programs including Latino male students. The above figures would help the researchers work out the percentages and eventually the success of those programs. The results of this study will enable school systems shape school policy and build relationships with community advocates (mentors). Additionally, the findings in this research can be used as a guide to create similar programs for other genders and nationalities. This study will expand the literature by providing recent qualitative data that has little research on this topic.
Rationale for Methodology This Study will use a qualitative Case study design: Surveys, interviews, archival data and focus groups will be used to gather data. This study use a qualitative method design approach (Case Study). The study will provide specific information of 12 middle school male students and their mentors at a middle school mentoring program in New Jersey. The research will be carried out to fill the gap on the impact of mentorship programs on the Latino male students. The policymakers will get an opportunity to review their policies on mentorship programs after reading the final research copy. The report will contain data on academic performance of both Latinos and none-Latinos students under mentorship programs. The report will also contain data on performance of Latino students in and out of the mentorship programs.
Before carrying out the research, it will be prudent to obtain written permission from the respondents and the institutions they are affiliated to. I intended to conduct the research in three schools. I will send emails to those three schools to seek for their approval for me to conduct the survey. Since I cannot know all the students by name in mentorship programs, I will contact them through their school administrations. The school administrations will give me the total number of students in mentorship programs, and the class they attend to, I will then reach for the students while in classes. The participants need to understand the significance of the participants and any dangers involved before consenting to it. The participant must voluntarily participate in the research without any manipulation. The participant will have the right to leave the study at any time without such a matter affecting their future participation in similar studies.
The participants will not be harmed in any way during the participation. The participants will be protected from any form of psychological or physical harm. jku. at/org/content/e54521/e54528/e54529/e178059/Bandura_SocialLearningTheory_ger. pdf Creswell, J. W. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods Approaches. Rhodes, J. Silverthorn, N. Valentine, J. C. How Effective Are Mentoring Programs for Youth? A Systematic Assessment of the Evidence. Retrieved from https://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC2850445/pdf/nihms186653. Chan, C. S. Youth mentoring and spiritual development. New Directions For Youth Development,, 118, 85-89. doi.
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