Food Labeling Dissertation Proposal
A study with both closed and open-ended questionnaires was utilized to gather data from different consumers who were discovered buying prepackaged food in selected grocery stores, (and specialists of mechanical food organizations-workers and staff on food production industries). The acquired information was registered to decide connections and relationship between different components and the utilization of food labelling data among purchasers in the zone of study. The study will consider various factors that affect whether the consumer reads the food label, including the appearance of the food labels on the pre-packaged food, time constraints and routine purchasing of regular food products therefore not taking the time to read the label. AIMS, OBJECTIVES AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS. The main aim of this dissertation is to investigate awareness and utilization of pre-packaged food labeling which was observed to be low among buyers.
Labeling information and a customers' level of education have an impact on the way a consumer makes a decision on purchasing a food product and can also ensure that they are aware of any risks that the product may pose to them. Individuals depend on nutriment tags also to express to them what foodstuffs encompasses its dietary importance and how it was manufactured for instance buyers may aspect for foodstuffs branded “carbon-based” or they may need to discern animal wellbeing principles or fair toil performs by tags to take these potentials is an imperative measure of publicizing a merchandise. Consumers of pre-packed foods should settle on a cognizant selection of foods taking into consideration health status and requirements. Food labeling data is imperative for individuals who require a specific diet or have food-related medical issues such as diabetes, cardiovascular maladies and different sorts of malignancies as it allows them to make educated decisions on the food they eat and helps them avoid potential risks to their health (Washi, 2012).
Labels of pre-packed foods utilize brand names to display their items while purchasers make informed decisions on what to buy based on these brands. The study surveyed their learning, behavior’s and practices towards food labelling and discover the necessity to raise consumers’ level of attention to particular areas of food labelling, keeping in mind the end goal is to help them settle on solid decisions that benefit them. This study states that manufacturing and expiry dates were considered essential elements of food labels by shoppers; this demonstrates their concern about the danger of eating expired foods. Food information such as quantity of calories and levels of marinates (affecting our cholesterol levels) was also considered by numerous customers. Factors Related to Awareness, Knowledge, and Use of Food Labelling Information in Purchasing Pre-packaged Food Among Consumers.
Consumers’ needs to utilize food labeling as dictated by various factors. The most fundamental purpose of reading food labels was observed to be looking at the ingredients they have to avoid or to avoid eating too big a portion of a particular food. The study additionally uncovered a few obstructions to reading and use of pre-packaged food labels such as lack of time, comprehension, and consistency in the written arrangement of labels and uncertainty of what food to give consideration to. In a similar survey by Grunert et al (2010), customer’s answers leaned towards basic and non-specialized health content on food labels as opposed to negative terms and allusions to illness. The survey showed that 27% of customers in the UK searched for nutritional information on food labels. External Factors External factors affecting consumers’ decisions to read and utilize pre-packed food labelling can be institutional such as food marking controls, pre-packed food naming data as well as food item qualities.
Respondents who showed to be food label readers were requested to clarify their observation on the significance of food labelling data and challenges they experience in reading and understanding food labels. Then again, respondents who don't read food labels were approached too quickly clarify the purposes of not doing that. Task Start date End date Dissertation Proposal Begin reading relevant academic literature and composition of the literature review Schedule interview appointments with the relevant persons Prepare questionnaire Develop a structured list of interview questions for interviewees. Also, purchase a Dictaphone. Receive feedback from proposal Introductory meeting with appointed supervisor to address any issues and/or concerns. Add any rough paper(s) from the interviews to the appendices Draft submission of methodology Receive feedback from supervisor for Methodology section Make any amendments to methodology section and finalize Draft submission of Analysis and discussion of findings Write the conclusion and recommendations Make any amendments to analysis and discussion of findings and finalize Conclusion and recommendations draft submission Create the content page and abstract page Formalize the appendices, double check all of the data is there Proof Reading Printing and binding the dissertation Final submission of dissertation (by 1:00pm) 4.
DISCUSSION This research was designed to determine awareness of food labeling besides the use of the information in procuring pre-packaged foodstuffs among consumers. Outcomes of the research provide information on awareness of food labeling amongst prepackaged food consumers, the supposed importance of food labeling also factors that are related to reading food labels. The selected study populace and the convenient choice of respondents had a positive influence in getting a wide range of consumers' views and responses. The model composed of almost same presentation of genders thus enabled reviewing the influence of gender. References Codex (1985) General Standard for the Labeling of Prepackaged Foods. CODEX STAN 1-1985 Coveney, J. Food and trust in Australia: building a picture. Public Health Nutrition 11, 237–245. Available at http:// wwwflinders. uk/multimedia /pdf/heath/pdf [accessed on 14th May 2012 Global Consumer Perceptions and use of Nutrition information on food labels, Issue July, August 2007; http: /www.
food insight. or/newsletter. Accessed on 11th May 2012 Hu, W, Adamowicz, W L and Veeman, M, (2006) Labelling Setting and Reference Point Effects in Models of Food Attribute Demand American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88, 4, 1034-49. John Eng, MD. foodinsight. org [accessed on 15th August 2012] Philip Davies, Kristen McPherson and Emma Fround (2010) Evidence review of public attitude towards and use of the general food labelling final report. Available: http://www. food. gov. Available at HTTP:// www. sljol. info/index. php /SJAE/article/viewFile /3475/2842 [accessed on 13th May 2012]. Sigida Washi (2012) Awareness of food labelling among consumers in groceries in Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates. Available at http://www. foreignpolicybulletinmonitor. com/. displayFulltext? [accessed on 15th May 2012].
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