Comparison William Burrough and Jack Kerouac

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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In both texts, the vignettes used by the authors is reflective of real-life events that fell on their pathways. There exist differences in the styles, formats, thematic, and structure of writing that the two writers use to manifest their skills and clearly pass a message. Kerouac passed on in his late forties and was buried with after a tremendous success in the book “On the Road”. Burrough, on the other hand, lived through the late nineties after a successful career and a reformed lifestyle. In writing, there are techniques that are used to attract the consciousness of the reader in a manner that is necessary at a particular moment and they include, language, structure, themes, and style. On the contrary, “On the Road” is written with similar motive and based personal experiences but Kerouac uses averagely no salaciousness language o convey his message.

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He speaks about the spiritual alienation among the “Beat generation” but encodes the message in a more decent form not to disturb the reader (Kerouac, p. g 2). This is one major language indifference that has been portrayed n the two corresponding works of the two authors. In simpler terms, Burrough does not use metaphoric and figurative traits to shape the language and induce decency. These two writers also had that chance to use different appropriate styles to make the structure of the book stand. Kerouac has defined a linear strategy that he uses to convey his clinical information. He gives his account of the story in a linear manner that skipping a bit might cause a misunderstanding. His contextual format gives a patter from the definition of the text to the conclusion of the story.

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For instance, in “on the road” he expounds on the accounts of the people he met on the way and those he traveled with. Kerouac from his own format branded his style as “spontaneous prose”. This was established after an analysis of his works and a personal confession of how his artistic work happened without external stimulation. Whatever he wrote was what was happening to his life and came right from his mind in situ. This style was inspired by his love for jazz music. On the other hand, Burrough is known for his experimental artisanship and being a surrealist writer. He also says that editorial is hindering with the true story and automatism is effective (Harris, Oliver & Polina, p. g 2).

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Burrough, on the other hand, is concerned with revealing his story to the public with the most original format that doesn't invoke language alteration. He ends up writing in the extra vulgar language. Of the last shared styles between the authors is the use of pseudonyms. g 1). Burrough focuses is attention to the addiction concerning drugs and an inhuman careless life by him and his wife. He was a drug addict that traversed the country in the search for drugs. He is an active participant of an accidental killing of his wife and thus focuses on the impacts of drugs addiction The themes of the two texts have similarities and differences according to their explanation. In Burrough’s text, the theme of drug addiction id the dominant one.

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He does have kids with these wives but later abandoned them to get another wife. There is a sexual conflict between males and females in the text. Restlessness is also another factor tied up to the romantic relationships of this character. The need to commence movement starts from an imbalanced motive and because there is no assured better end, they end up dissatisfied. These repetitive occurrences create dissatisfaction hence a travel around (Sinha, p. The never-ending lust and sexual desires keep the characters yearning for other new options which leads them to a more violent and a dissatisfied point. There are other major themes that are not shared in the text but are of major notation as they play informative roles in their statements.

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