Confucius Lives Next Door Book Review

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Religion

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The book is engaging and at the same time funny as the author tries to bring out the clear picture of East Asia in relation to the west. The narration is a critical revelation about the Japanese history and the significant values that the Asian communities inherited from the Confucius teachings. The experiences of Reid are well brought about throughout the book and what makes them more interesting is his first-hand experience and analysis of the Asian culture. Reid's reflection of the cultural aspects of East Asia can be termed as a depiction of a changed society over the years. This is because, in the past, the Asian countries have been through some western experiences, but these have not made then abandon their culture which is made active by the Confucius values.

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He observes that in his stay in Japan one of the biggest achievement he was able to realize were those of social aspects and not economical and believes that this is one of the strongest points of the Asian states. Through his narration, he cuts across several aspects of the social development of Asian society which he believes could be equally important if practiced by the West society. Reid observed that the rates of crime in Japan were far much lower than what he experienced from the United States. For instance, for instance, there are lower reports of robbery, mugging, assault, kidnapping, rape, murder and theft as compared to the west. In the United States, the buildings are fitted with bars across the windows, and the use of alarms and hardened locks is common in order to prevent burglary, but in Japan, this is not an issue.

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Reid also looks at the family aspect of the East Asia culture and comes to see that family is a powerful thing which comprises of a man and a woman. Divorce rates are much lower in Japan than in the United States though in Asia Japan has the higher rates of divorce. For instance, in the United States, the rates of divorce are estimated to be 50% while in Japan it is only 16%. This portrays a well organized and cohesive society that is built under the strong family ties. In these Asian countries, it is the man who proposes a divorce and a man can leave the wife at any point in time but the wife is not allowed to do so. However, the most critical thing about the societal changes in East Asia over the years is the influence f Confucius who came up with the notion of social harmony.

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It is also a great book that tries to appeal to the west and the entire world that it takes more than the government to control the way people live. For instance, Reid g8ivs an example of the day a neighbor came to ask him to reduce the noise of the loud rock playing in his house. The conversation seemed so respectful and also the neighborhood had to inform him that this would bring shame to the entire neighborhood. Such drastic measures in East Asia are taken by individuals and not the police or other enforcement officers as is the case with the west.

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