Contend for accuracy through research

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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In fact its true not always will experience dictate your actions depending with the situation at hand. I totally support this quote. For example, when things are changing so random and everything is on change, there are people that believe that the end is near (Schmitter, P. C. I believe that what is happening is not the end, but a new beginning, a shift in the way we live. This quote educates us that considering the experiences can keep us from acknowledging the conditions we are through at a particular moment. For a fact, I do approve this quote and agree in it. It points out the correct of the matter and highlights clearly the need for fresh thinking when things change.

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Just to highlight a good example in our current situation. Many people believe that the end is near once they see alt of changes in the nature of the social behavior of people and even some tough economic conditions across nations. Rawics lead then through the hard terrain even when the heavy snow storms blew in and made the visibility very slow His friend ever remained to be opposing the idea of escaping through the hard climate since no any other prisoner had attempted to do soothe could always see the plan failing. He one day decided not to go with his friend since he had done research and seen the experience of the past trials that never worked when tried to escape across the terrain.

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He was left behind fearful and convinced by its experience that the plan cannot work. Rawicz and six other companions tried and it was successful, they found the freedom finally. This is a good lesson that that you should not hold on experience when things get tough. Nevertheless, a true leader willing to change things will not change the attitude based on what people say. People will always judge you from their own perspective. So you have to be yourself and let people accept me for what I am then be somebody who I am not. Definitely, if you are a rational thinker and somebody who changes like to initiate changes, it’s obvious that many people will hate you because many people always want to dwell in the past situations and conditions to avoid challenges.

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As a leader, any time you want to bring some change in any environment then you have to be very prepared to face opposition since you will find that many people won’t support you instead they will turn to be your enemies. Therefore, you have to change your conduct, behavior and way of thinking to absorb the changes. If you keep doing the same thing you do while on the ground thing have changed, it is very likely that you will not get the desired results. Definitely, your results will likely deteriorate. This good quote educates us even in our daily lives. For parents, consider when you were a kid, what worked yesterday most of the time used to change and work differently the following day, if you used to pay attention.

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Initially, the companies were very few with fewer varieties on offer (Moran & Brightman. currently, we have divestiture and the emergence of baby bells and many innovations in the phone companies where competition is very high. Any company in this industry now has to change his conduct with time and move with the current competition pace. Basically, the nature of life is that is always changing. Technology is moving forward, our bodies are aging, our relationships mature, seasons keep changing and go and that’s it, everything is having its own rhythm and pace. A. The key lesson from this quote is that do not look at the past and the current situation, always see the future and the opportunities ahead to come.

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Life is full of difficulties. You may be down today but let it not discourage you to keep pushing. The future is always bright for everybody. This quote is very important in ensuring that they are firm in their decisions despite their current situations and the history of the communities they serve. Even in our families, we sometimes need to break the chain of societal beliefs and accept changes. There are those families that still hold on so much in family norms and past cultures. As a bright person in such families, you should bring change without considering the past and the current position the family may be in if you realize it will benefit the family. Some of our families are suffering a lot because they look back at the past and the situations they are in today.

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It is always said that time changes everything but the truth is that you have to change them yourself. You don’t need to wait for anybody to come and have a change in your work place, residence environment or even in your churches and schools. It good to understand that every great dream begins with a mare dreamer and everybody has strength and the passion to do it and reach for the stars to change the world. Therefore, I want to be categorically, clear that if I do not support these quote in good faith then am not doing our societies and our innovator leaders good. References Gill, R. S.  The heart of change: Real-life stories of how people change their organizations.

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