Database Application for amazon

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Management

Document 1

A database is normally structured to facilitate retrieval, storage, deletion and modification of data in conjunction with various data processing operations. A database often requires a Database Management System (DBMS), which is a software tool that is designed to assist in maintaining and using large collections of data to effectively support decision making. It also enables users to perform operations such as defining a database, constructing a database and manipulating a database A database application facilitates simultaneous updates and queries from multiples users in a given website that it serves. A database application also does allow users to have access to the data they need. This is achieved by them filtering out unnecessary data thus allowing them to only gain access to the record that they need as at that time.

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) We consider three different web pages: the registration page, the seller's page, and the last-minute deals that show the business processes for our chosen organization, Amazon. The registration web page enables the users to register with the institution by providing a list of fields that the user inputs data and submit to the company for purposes of purchases from the company. (Giacosa et al. ) The seller's web page is an interactive page where individuals willing to sell their products with Amazon get to register with the organization and get to have their products displayed in the organization’s website for sale. This has buyers having more items to select from and gives the seller a platform to have their products marketed and purchased from the company’s website.

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These are three business processes that must exist. Other related business processes could include the purchase of products and services from suppliers by the organization, quality assurance processes, invoicing processes, the billing process, risk management process, and documentation processes. Further, we identify two user views that interact with the identified business process. A user view is a partial description of the logical schema that allows a user to view a part or all contents of the database that are specified to facilitate certain processes or a particular purpose or user activity. ("User View | Encyclopedia. We further focus on describing user interactions that involve data, which may involve the creation, management, and querying of data. This is explained by the use case description presented for the two user views that interact with the business processes.

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Use Case Description This description shows how users shall perform given tasks on the organization’s website. It further outlines the system’s behavior from a user’s perspective as it responds to user requests. It presents a sequence of steps that begin from a user’s goal and end once the user’s goal is achieved. The customer then carries on to fill their credit information once they are contented by the pricing information given to them. The customer may be given options to use different kinds of payments to choose from and use that which suits them best. System authorizing the purchase and confirming the sale. Once the credit information is filled, the system is then prompted by the user to authorize the purchase.

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Once the purchase has been authorized, the system then confirms the sale and sends a confirmation email to the customer to confirm the purchase made and could provide an order number to enable the customer to track their package during shipment. The data dictionary, in this case, represents the physical design of the database. Implementation Stage – Database In the implementation stage, for the database that is, the main aim is to create, relate and to populate the tables that form the background database to our chosen website. In this case, Amazon. We present two database diagrams, the table view-column, and the table view-standard diagrams. Implementation Stage – Useful Database Objects At this stage, the aim is to create useful database objects that include indexes, views and SQL scripts that may comprise of insertions, deletions, updates and queries to meet the requirements of the chosen business processes and the two selected user views.

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