Defining moments in canadas history

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:History

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Historical events in Canada have played a leading role in the nation’s politics and socio-economic. This essay will evaluate three defining moments in Canada’s history; the discovery of oil, insulin and persona case. Defining moments 1. Discovery of oil. Insulin. The road infrastructure in Alberta was improved to allow investors to easily carry out the key operations. Alberta region grew into a major city and the lives of people from the surrounding community changed as a result of oil and gas businesses (Humphries 23). Point #2 Leduc No 1 has been instrumental in one of Europe’s based nation. Blackwood (P. 5, 2017) further claims for the first 28 years of operation, Leduc No 1 produced approximately 317,000 oil barrels and natural gas of 323 million cubic feet. For instance, the locals are contracted to provide the much-needed services.

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The other benefits of Alberta’s oil, it has had on the economy of Canada comprises the creation of employment, labour income, gross domestic product and revenue to the government Proof #3 A report by (CAPP 2-3, 2017) claims the locals’ benefits by providing materials, goods and services for managing all operation of oil sands and mines across Canada. The other components such as trucks, tires, valves, pumps and trucks are locally manufactured in the Eastern regions of Canada. Explanation #3 CERI study also established 44 percent of jobs courtesy of oil sands investment are outside Alberta while 16 percent of employment opportunities in Ontario. The 2018 report indicates close to 190,000 workers in Canada were absorbed in oil and also gas sector. B Collip and Charles Best discovered an anti-diabetic agent (Bliss 7-8).

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Insulin was eventually discovered and tested on human beings. Explanation #1 According to statistics, roughly 200,000 new diabetes cases were recorded in Canada from the year 2013 to 2014. Diagnosed cases are higher as compared to those recorded in the previous. Close to 0. 2 million deaths were as a result of high blood glucose recorded in 2012. The disease is rated as the seventh top cause of death across the world. Maintaining normal body weight, healthy diet, avoiding tobacco use and regular physical exercise is essential in preventing the two types of diabetes (WHO 11-12, 2016). Explanation #2 The discovery of insulin has played a leading role since it prolongs the lives of people suffering from diabetes. The innovation has saved a lot of lives which is important for socio-economic status (Bliss 3-4).

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The 14-year-old diabetic patient was admitted to the Toronto Hospital. The innovation led to a life changer moment before Canada gave a gift to the world. In 1923, Frederick and John Macleod won the Nobel Prize award for their discovery of insulin (Nobel Prize). Innovation is vital in changing the people live and in the health sector; it is considered a matter of saving millions of lives. Insulin is now used across the world. Point #2 Women appointment in the Senate clearly meant the leaders will tackle issues affecting them such as equal employment opportunities and education. Proof #2 Women’s suffrage struggle in Canada established diverse interests across. The campaigns were championed by socialists as well as liberals. In Canada, women fought for equality in education, employment and politics (Education Historica Canada 2-7).

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Explanation #2 Most of the Canadians viewed women’s career behind the scene in addition to supporting men in their careers and the family. Conclusion The discovery of oil has had a significant impact on the socio-economic lives of the locals. Employment is one of the pressing issues that most governments face across the world. The innovation of oil has actually been essential in providing employment opportunities to the locals. For instance, through it close to 190,000 people are employed through Canada’s oil sector. Apart from employment opportunities, the nation also gets revenue through taxes and exports to finance other government operations. Works Cited Blackwood, Laura. History has its eyes on Leduc No. 1 well. JWN Energy. Accessed from https://www. pdf Diabetes in Canada.

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