Dementia Treatment Plan

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

Even though there are about ten different types of dementia, clinically, Alzheimer disease- one kind of dementia, affects most people. From a survey by done in the united states, it was found that, out of every 100 reported dementia cases, over 65% is effected from Alzheimer's disease. Globally, there has been continued studies on the disease. Some studies have provided significant results others have been a dead end. Regardless, new treatment techniques and forms of therapy have shown tremendous improvement with wonderful intervention measures. In general, those affected with dementia experience a slow loss of memory and other cognitive functions. Soon after the disease progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced and observable. Even though, the symptoms vary widely depending on the age of infection as well as the type of diagnosis (Hart & Gallagher, 1996).

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the client experienced abnormal attention deficits that included: • Being easily destructed by the surrounding and any activities near him. • He has attention difficulties unless the input is simplified and highly restrictive. • Failure to recognize familiar people and activities as well as familiar music, sounds, and movies. Moreover, the client also showed tremendous difficulties in behavioral and social skills. Some observable behavioral symptoms which are shown by the client included, • Portrayed ill behavior outside of the socially acceptable range. • He portrayed inability to read common facial expressions and behavioral cues. • Often quick mood fluctuations and mood swings. Short notes stuck on close proximity to the living or bedroom to help keep memory will greatly help keep memory • provide a correct method to tabulate each activity and connect it with its date of performance.

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This will help keep track of each activity and ensure progressive workout. Similarly enabling brain health and memory. • Provide a criterion for marking or striking the already done/ attended activities to avoid redoing them. This will avoid confusion whenever the list is too long. Interventions for the care, treatment and support of people suffering from dementia diseases can be based on pharmacological and non-pharmacological. Pharmacological interventions involve the use of drugs and medication as an intervention strategy to chemically reduce or support the victims from continued pain and brain health. On the other hand, non-pharmacological intervention strategies include both the use of both the environmental and behavioral modifications strategies and technique to alleviate the situation and enhance satisfactory independence living. Enabling the client performance of body exercise and physical activities for better physical health.

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a) Physical exercise. This intervention strategy involves the user of a Snoezelen Room which incorporates various aspects of multi-sensory stimulation. This stimulation may include; light, water, contrast, color and music. b) Aromatherapy. This intervention strategy involves the use of smell, massage, and aroma. It has been used in recent decades to evoke pleasurable emotions in the person who has dementia. Three Evidence-Based Theoretical Orientations from Which Appropriate Interventions Can Be Selected for The Client. Psycho-dynamic and psychoanalytic theory Cognitive-behavioral theory Humanistic and existential theory In this theory, individuals are viewed as made up from “dynamic” that commences early in childhood and further progresses throughout life. The theory emphasizes on cognition and thoughts. It focuses on social learning since childhood and the idea of modeling and reinforcement.

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Critical learning is a crucial element in building the personality of a person. Since no single model that is comprehensive enough to incorporate psychological, interpersonal, biological and social factors in human functionality. Providing an immediate, effective and all-around treatment plan highly relies on the integration of multiple theoretical orientations. This approach is not only beneficial but also easily adaptable for both the client and the therapist. Moreover, integrated theoretical orientations have clinically proven helpful even in previous cases. treatment modalities appropriate for use with the client. This will involve both individuals (the client and his wife). The primary therapeutic orientation used in this modality is the cognitive behavioral therapy (Rathus & Sanderson, 1999). Discussions on how to live together within their home will part.

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EVALUATION The anticipated outcomes of each proposed treatment intervention will be determined and based on scholarly literature (Mehta et al. Such literature will involve review articles, mate-analysis from well-trained practitioners and weekly reports that the therapist will provide. Ethics refers to the code of behavior and thinking governed by the social, moral, legal, personal standards of what is right. While implementing this treatment plan, several ethical dilemmas and issues are unavoidable. Patient autonomy. This is the basic right of every patient to make decisions that may at times go against the physician's treatment advice. Refusal of treatment is also a great dilemma in which the client may refuse medication and practitioner's guidelines. Oxford University Press, USA. Jack, C. How Does Alzheimer’s Begin and Who Gets It?.

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