Developmental milestones

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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The ability of a child to move his lips when the chicks are touched or being able to follow objects movement by moving their eyes in the direction the object is moving to are the first milestones performed by infants. It is essential for parents to understand the developmental milestones of their children. This helps in creating measures to safeguard the child. This includes fencing areas with pools, for this is the leading cause of injuries to children if not deaths (Martin et al. Crawling children should be protected from steep edges like the staircases. Being at a stage where he can't talk, he only makes this instruction and walks away only to come back with the instructed command done. He responds immediately to the power told to do.

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At time adults might be talking about some activities only for the toddler to perform the action or bring about the object that they were talking about. Some take instructions, and before they execute them, they are distracted by other activities on the way. Ability to memorize at preschool stage interested so much this child could remember a lot. These disabilities have a higher risk in the life of the children. They may cause permanent physical disabilities, such as blindness from birth. The impairments also could compromise with the Children`s growth. Developmental disability has several causes associated with it. Physical causes such cerebral palsy and autism are the significant causes. Communication skills of the child are compromised such that the child lucks the skills to express himself With many parents unaware of such conditions makes it more vulnerable to children health.

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It is with this regard that I chose this condition. Autism condition occurs in the early stages of life, and parents should be close to monitoring their children`s behaviors to understand the development of disabilities. The concepts I learned about this condition is the many people, including the parents, have little or no understanding of the situation. This caused many to speculate on this condition with the various outcomes (Shen & Piven (2017). The cares that children with developmental milestones and those with developmental disabilities need are not known to parents. Infants are still prone to injuries in their growth for their parents have not provided for safety measures to avoid this calamity. Infant crawl and the action are to keep away objects, secure staircases, and avoid loose material that can fall on them.

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Most infants still burn with hot water or milk, which is an indication of the parents lack adequate knowledge of the milestones the infant is in. With toddlers, most of them are casualties of the large waters. For at this time and date, it is a wonder that some parents still find it difficult to accept the condition of their child. Learning the developmental milestones and developmental disabilities in childhood has triggered some urge to further learn about the conditions that affect humanity. The causes of the conditions and their possible solution. On the cases where there is no cure, learning how to lead the affected people to understand accept and learn how to cope with it. Reference Martin, A. , Gutierrez, A.

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