Diet related diseases in the UK
The research indicates that a larger number of adults, young people, and children in the UK are victims of the inadequate health diet. The research further finds out that in the UK, almost two-thirds of adults are obese or overweight, a third of young people are obese or overweight, and one in every five children are obese or overweight. This has been associated with the high intake of added sugars, saturated fat, added salts; and insufficient levels of vegetables, oily fish, fiber, and fruits. The curriculum approach. This is the most formal approach to food education. This is however not the norm of the day by some schools, and in particular for the case of most secondary schools. In effect to this, at the secondary level, provisions of most food do not account for the support for health eating habits or behaviors.
Most children have constantly complained of an acute a scarcity in healthy food options, and unhealthy food types, leading them to be compelled to take the often cheaper and frequent provisions from their schools. It has also been noted that at the secondary levels, there is lack of frequent monitoring of their feeding programs by the school management and therefore poor enforcement in the School Food Standards. Also, as part of school rewarding programs, fundraising activities and celebration functions, unhealthy foods such as cakes, chocolates, sweets and many other sugary added snacks are most commonly used. This makes most of them to find themselves in complications resulting in diseases that are majorly diet related. Frequent reports have shown that most mot students at secondary school level choose to purchase and consume unhealthy foods, which are either bought during school days at multiple points within the school compound or those offered by the school management at the schools’ catering facilities.
Cultural and social influences have contributed a lot in the choice of food consumed by both pupils and students in their learning environments. This will, in turn, increase pupils' and students' aspirations and values so that they can be in a more better position to apply the food skills, food knowledge, and healthy food choices as they are instructed by their food teachers. Social-based marketing approach. Despite the fact that teaching, measurement and evaluation in food, nutrition and dietetics is considered important in schools, still, there are numerous challenges facing the planned curriculum. However much it sounds like a good idea, effective measures have not been put in place to ensure the full implementation of the program. For instance, still, there is many struggles by some schools in finding out time in the current curriculum at the expense of the core subjects.
There is inadequatespecialized teachers of the food education plan. Some schools do not have even a single teacher to attend to the food education classes. RECOMMENDATIONS: i. Foods originating from plants should be encouraged as compared to foods originating from animals. To ensure that there is an intake of all protective substances and nutrients, it is encouraged that one should eat a variety of different foods originating from plants in a wide range. ii. Grains, bread, potatoes, pasta or rice should be consumed many times in a single day. A. Florant, G. L. Kelher, M. Rogers, L. Gibson, R. S. Thompson, B. and Amoroso, L. Strategies for preventing multi-micro nutrient deficiencies: a review of experiences with food-based approaches in developing countries. Uneven dietary development: linking the policies and processes of globalization with the nutrition transition, obesity, and diet-related chronic diseases.
Globalization and health, 2(1), p. Hawkes, C. Jewell, J. and Allen, K. Singhal, N. Sivakumar, B. Bhagat, N. Jaiswal, A. and Khurana, L. Kim, S. Mahal, A. and Shuigao, J. Trends in diet, nutritional status, and diet-related noncommunicable diseases in China and India: the economic costs of the nutrition transition. Nutrition reviews, 59(12), pp. Evaluation of alternative approaches to assign nutrient values to food groups in food frequency questionnaires. American journal of epidemiology, 152(3), pp. Thompson, B. and Amoroso, L. eds.
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