Documentation Panel for National Sorry Day

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Education

Document 1

Child-friendly and nutritious meals are observed using the center’s well organized rotating four-week roster (Melbourne Childcare, 2018). An experienced staff trained in child care, anaphylaxis, and first aid management is one of the center’s greatest strengths. Through the input of this able staff who are passionate about childcare, the children have a conducive environment to grow, bond and be comfortable in a surrounding other than their home. The childcare center offers such services as before school and after school care for primary school children; day care centers for up to school going age children; family day care whereby caregivers look after the children from their homes; homecare whereby care is provided for children by approved carers from the comfort of their homes; kindergarten where children are prepared for school; playgroup where children are accorded the opportunity for supervised play and occasional/vacation care for provision of flexible care.

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The center is open from Monday to Friday (Melbourne Childcare, 2018). The report also gave various recommendations with the most important ones being that: funding is availed for the victims to record their history; reparations guided by the Van Bowen principles be made for the victims; the Australian legislators acknowledge the hand of their predecessors in these acts of inhumanity through the laws, practices, and policies that they approved and give official apologies for the same. Thereafter, the different Australian states began to hand in their official apologies and on August 26, 1999, John Howard; the then Australian Prime Minister, moved the Motion of Reconciliation expressing the government’s sincere regret for the injustices that the aboriginal people had suffered in the past and for the trauma and hurt they continued to live with as a result (Parliament of Australia, 1999).

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A popular movement soon afterwards emerged to celebrate the National Sorry Day and it became an annual event aimed at raising awareness among the general public, politicians, and policymakers about the cruel removal policies and the impacts that they had on the aboriginal children forcefully separated from their parents, their families as well as the communities where they were from. Place Walk Questions The first day of the visit at Goodstart Early Learning Reservoir Melbourne turned out to be much better than I thought it would be. Never having visited the care center again before this visit, there was a bit of tension at first which was mainly because of the uncertainty on whether or not the interaction with the center’s management and children would be smooth. However, my opinion later changed as I figured out that the children were perhaps the most important people as far as commemoration of the day was concerned seeing as the aboriginal children were the direct victims of the forceful separation as they were the ones that were taken away from their families.

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In light of this, it was important for the children to learn about the unfortunate circumstances that their fellows had undergone in the past. Another of the questions that I had was on how best the teachers would be able to effectively impart knowledge on the history of the National Sorry Day and the circumstances that led to its becoming, considering that the children were still very young. From my interaction with the staff of the care center as well as my observation of the placewalk pictures that had been made by the children with the help and guidance of their teachers, I learned that involvement and play are highly effective learning tools for children. Considering that their concentration span is still very short, children learn better through interesting activities that they find pleasure in rather than through the traditional lecture techniques that are better suited for older learners.

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The early childhood educators at the care center were able to introduce the concept of the National Sorry Day and the history behind it by incorporating the lesson into painting as is seen on the handprint painting made by the children. This will help me be more effective as a teacher by being able to incorporate learning into the children’s activities. ASSESSMENT 3: PLANNING CYCLE Criterion 1: Reflect/Review I found it very moving and interesting that the children, young as they were, were capable of understanding subjects of such importance as the National Sorry Day which is of great importance to the Australian people. Their ability to take instructions and come up with the beautiful pieces displayed on the placewalk was very impressive. Their ability to understand got me thinking that maybe the best way through which change would be brought about as pertains to pervasive societal issues such as racism, violence, drug abuse and crime among other issues was by introducing them to the children at tender age while imparting knowledge on how to do away with them so that a responsible breed of children was nurtured for future generations.

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The outdoor learning environment provides the children with an array of possibilities that the indoor learning environment does not cater for through interaction with nature elements such as trees, plants, grass, water and rocks among others. From the pictures on the documentation panel, it is evident that the early childhood teachers at the care center have stricken a balance between indoor and outdoor learning environments. This is depicted by the presence of an outdoor play area with various play items for the children as well as a view of nature as well as a well-organized indoor learning area with a sitting area with tables and chairs where the children can sit while learning. Intentional teaching practice was also observed during the visit to the care center. The Australian Government Department of Education and Training (2010) describes intentional teaching as thoughtful, purposeful and deliberate efforts by teachers to impart learning through the use of challenging experiences and interactions to build knowledge.

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humanrights. gov. au/bth/additional_resources/bth_guide/bth. pdf Accessed July 1, 2018. Melbourne Childcare (2018). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. acecqa. gov. au/sites/default/files/2018-02/belonging_being_and_becoming_the_early_years_learning_framework_for_australia. pdf Accessed July 1, 2018.

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