Does Facebook Make You Feel Bad
Additionally, the website has been utilized for educational, cultural, religious and political purposes since it has wide coverage across the globe because of the large number of registered users that utilize it. Its popularity can be attributed to the fact that its free, thus enabling people from all walks of life to become users regardless of their social status. However, this website has been used by some people to bully others besides introducing users to security problems and this has increased cases of human trafficking (Willard, 34). Therefore, there is no shortage of studies that point to the negative effects of social media on people’s overall well-being. While it may have massive benefits such as connecting one with friends across the globe, it may also have very negative irreversible emotional effects on users.
It has also been observed that people have been able to rejuvenate their happiness by reviewing their past photos and videos, which they posted during the time that they felt good about life (Folkman, 14). These past photos when reviewed trigger the good memories and this serves to make users feel happy during hard and trying times. In some occasions, Facebook users have shown gratitude to other users who are physically challenged or those who fall sick (Bender, Jimenez-Marroquin and Jadad, 59). Such positive and encouraging messages that these individuals receive from their friends revive their spirit and most of them start feeling good about their conditions. Additionally, when people with disabilities connecting with others with disabilities, they end up accepting their conditions and this makes them feel good about themselves. Moreover, the “lack of attention” by users resulting from fewer likes, comments, and general feedback as compared to close friends causes the site to promote sadness among members.
Most Facebook users always post their comments on the platform for purposes of show off and if they do not get the attention that they intended to then they start feeling stupid for what they did and sometimes they end up deregistering from the site (Miller, 35). The psychological disturbance that is created by these perceptions and the lack of social-economic resources and attention from friends results to stress among users. The feelings of expectations and desires that we exhibit as human are more pronounced in social media such as Facebook. Users may inbox their friends with the intentions of connecting with them to share stories and so forth, however, failure for them to respond to such messages discourages a user who may at that time feel lonely (Kaplan and Haenlein, 59). This encountered later changed the perspective of my friends concerning my products and eventually, I ended up losing my market and the sales of my product decreased gradually.
This particular encounter shattered my confidence so much I had to delete that page permanently and the consequence of that was that I was never able to face the camera like I used to. Work Cited Amichai-Hamburger, Yair and Azy Barak. Internet and well-being. Technology and psychological well-being (2009): 34-76. Anxiety, stress, and coping 21. Kaplan, Andreas M. and Michael Haenlein. Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. Business Horizons 53. et al. Feeling bad on Facebook: depression disclosures by college students on a social networking site. Depression and anxiety 28. Rettberg, Jill W. Seeing ourselves through technology: How we use selfies, blogs, and wearable devices to see and shape ourselves. Social media and small business marketing. Sell Photos on IStockphoto, (2010): 135.
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