Domestic Violence Assessment Tools
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Psychology
There a number of documentations on psychological consequences associated with domestic violence have been published. The most commonly reported psychological problems among women include; depression, suicidal risks, anxiety just name a few (Avdibegović, & Sinanović, 2006). According to my research, it seems most women affected by domestic violence do not report to relevant bodies for help. The United States Department of Justice has come to the rescue of victims of domestic violence who despite being subjected to forms of harassment by their intimate partners remain silent. This body acts an assessment to for domestic violence. However, cultural perception of the power of women should be put into consideration in delivery of justice to the affected victims. References Avdibegović, E. Sinanović, O. Consequences of Domestic Violence on Women’s Mental Health in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Croatian Medical Journal, 47(5), 730–741.
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