Drawing assignment

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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Through manipulation children can move their small muscles especially those of the hand. This also aids in the coordination of the hands and eyes together to lead a child into learning to draw (Fox & Schirrmacher, 2014). Therefore, manipulation aids the children to be aware of drawing tools and how to use them. Furthermore, through manipulation, children are able to utilize different colors to create other colors. For instance, children may mix different colors to come up with a purple color. In addition, it may help him/her find more proper ways to satisfy their curiosity and engage them in the resolution of conflicts and issues (Fox & Schirrmacher, 2014). Thus, it would be appropriate to let the child progress through the three levels on their own.

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This helps them to be aware of the different components of art to allow them develop their skills better. I would also take sufficient time to get involved with the learner through talks, plays and sharing of common experiences. I would further challenge the learner to utilize their ideas in order to solve emerging problems and create more ideas. Art is often accompanied by drawings like resemble scribbles. Scribbles are normally representative of the story or experience being communicated by a child (DeFord, 1980). Scribbles are important since they help develop the fine motor skills that the child will need when they are learning to draw. Since children are doing things mostly for the first time, their artwork is often an exploratory process.

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Exploration is usually comprised of numerous elements. Provide the child with a multicultural book to help him/her see the lives of other children and imagine they are in the same situation. Hence, as they imagine, they will try to put their thoughts into drawings. A book like Esperanza Rising is a multicultural book that is designed to help children get through this stage of development successfully. The Importance of Observation Skills The development of art serves as a means of communication for children. Hence, observation skills play a significant role in this phase of their development because it helps them in the process of self-discovery. Also, while they continue to improve their observation skills, the children will also become more creative with their minds and be able to communicate freely what is in their thoughts (Silver, 1989).

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Furthermore, using art as a means of communication will allow them to obtain the necessary assistance once guardians or parents understand what the children are trying to communicate in their drawings. Being observant to the drawings of the learner and witnessing how they respond their own drawings can help to improve the teacher’s own understanding. I would use a multicultural book to help promote observation skills in children by asking them to draw a picture of themselves doing things they would like to do with the characters of that book. For instance, the leaner might be asked to draw pictures going to place that would be an adventure with each of the characters. As I slowly run my figures over the edge of the picture, I would proceed to encourage the child to start drawing in the air as practice following the edge contour as I move my fingers.

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After the child practices in the air, I will encourage the child to practice drawing the picture on paper. This will be done with a slow contour. Alternatively, I can help the child practice drawing using models or actual objects. Also, I will prepare the learner in advance for the things to expect for him/her to be pleased with what works instead of being filled with disappointment by what fails to work. Rather, I would let the learner use the color he/she is comfortable with. This is because, the drawing does not need to be true to life rather it should be symbolic and expressive. Moreover, I will allow the learner to exert his/her measure of freedom. This reedom will help the learner to improve his/her decision-making skills in future and they may not find any difficulties with drawing the pictures they desire.

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