Drug Abuse and Addiction among Africans Americans

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

These groups have always complained of neglect and are usually very bitter when addressing their problems which present cases of hopelessness. Their position in the society could explain why these minorities indulge in activities such as drugs and substance abuse, dropping out of school among other such actions. Thesis Statement Drugs and substance abuse addiction is a serious issue among the African Americans living in the US which has prompted numerous researchers to conduct studies on the topic. In the write-up, the problem will be explained. Factors causing this minority group to indulge in the vice among other aspects will be explored. Despite the closeness in the numbers, there have been claims that the fight against drugs in the country is tackled on racial grounds with more blacks being arrested and prosecuted for the crimes.

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For instance in Seattle, 64. 2% of all the arrestee on drugs-related cases are the blacks (Fellner, 2009). What is even more worrying is the fact that kids as young as 12 years old are involved in drugs trafficking and use. The abuse is also gender inclined with more males than females involved in the vice (Lopez, 2015). In turn, is associated with high levels of violence. Combining these two factors presents a scenario where the kids growing in the area tend to get much stressed and may end up in drugs (Wells et al, 2001). Over the years there have been claims that this population can access narcotics more readily compared to others in the states. This happens since Africa Americans live in a community where there are lots of drugs in circulation.

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Especially the youths who are anxious to try out alcohol and drugs, the issue has become very rampant among them causing alarm on several platforms (Wells et al, 2001). A study has shown that around 75% of this population suffering from depression had used marijuana at one point in their lives (Guarnotta, 2017). A lot needs to be done to sensitize this group on the harmful effects of using these drugs and substances. Symptoms of Addiction Several signs and symptoms such as increased rage among African Americans have been quoted as precursors to addiction. Some of the signs that have been noted with the group include increased use of large amounts of the drugs over time. Others have been observed to struggle while trying to stop the use of the drugs.

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Another factor is fear of stigma (Guarnotta, 2017). Most of the addicts choose to remain home and deal with their addiction rather than seek help because they feel ashamed of their actions. In other cases, the society forms a lousy attitude towards them making hard for them to find the needed intervention. Distrust is another aspect. Africa American has a history of racism and discrimination such that they formed an attitude towards the authorities. Retrieved on 30/05/2018 from https://www. addictioncenter. com/addiction/addiction-statistics/ Fellner, E. Race, Drugs, and Law Enforcement in the United States. Retrieved on 30/05/2018 from: https://www. , Klap, R. , Koike, A. , & Sherbourne, C. Ethnic disparities in unmet need for alcoholism, drug abuse, and mental health care.  American Journal of Psychiatry, 158(12), 2027-2032.

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