Effective communication essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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However, with the industrial revolution and the development of new technologies, better methods or conveying information to facilitate communication effectively have been formulated, (Austin, 2015). Communication devices are very sophisticated, and clear, concise communication can take place in most parts of the world. Effective communication refers to the active use of speech or other methods of relaying information that gets the intended message to the recipient who receives and absorbs the information, (Evans, 2017). For effective communication to take place, three major factors have to be present — the sender of the message, the message itself and the recipient of this message. The sender essentially encodes the message intended for the recipient. Within this space, there has to be communication and effective communication at that to enable proper learning to take place.

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For effective communication to take place within the teacher-student learning environment, the following parameters have to be met. For the teacher to achieve effective communication, it is essential to use an honest and courteous tone combined with appropriate word choice. Word choice is important to avoid non- inflammatory words. Students on their part should listen while making eye contact with the teacher to avoid missing in on some essential information. Another communication resource is the use of projector screens and display screens. These are important for visual learning. They help to enhance the understanding of the students as they see the images of the objects being taught. Graduate school students especially those from foreign cultures who have to learn and use a different language, prescription of appropriate books is essential.

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According to respondents from a research study, most international students wished they had read certain books earlier in their graduate school experiences (Casanare 2008). To be an effective communicator online, one has to be good at turn taking to allow time for one another to speak and listen, (Barton 2013). Additionally, effective communication calls for adequate prior research on the topic of communication as well as the culture of the other parties online. Adequate research on the topic of discussion or presentation enables the speaker to have a good grasp of the concepts and prevents occasional fumbling, wrong presentation of facts or use of inappropriate words and gestures. Being a cross-cultural context, knowledge of the other person’s culture allows for a good blend as both parties can relate to what is being said.

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Moreover, one can be able to identify relevant examples within the other person’s culture to cite in their conversations making it easier for the recipient to understand. Effective communication within a group setup requires that there be one speaker at any given time. Therefore, all members ought to participate in turn-taking for proper connection. Use of small charts and diagrams or small boards for presentation helps to effect communication and enhance better understanding of the topic by the listeners. Motivational Context The motivational learning context is a broader field that encompasses both small group communication, public speaking and presentations. Motivational communication measure extent to which the intended messages catch the attention of the student, or provide the sense of assurance and fulfilment once the lesson is completed.

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PowerPoint presentations are also important resources, especially where the speaker feels the need to elaborate on the formation of a sequential process. To gain the attention of the audience and prevent boredom, the educator needs to include some group activities and short exercises both mental and physical to ensure that all listeners are active at all times, (Benson 2016). Time is another major communication resource that if well used, effects good communication. I once attended a motivational five-hour motivational speech at a local town hall and I must admit that I dozed off halfway through the speech. The speech was captivating at the beginning however the longevity affected my concentration levels. It is also important to settle for short sentences, (Barton 2013) to allow fluency of conversations as opposed to long sentences that might lose meaning or may be misunderstood.

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Cummins. J (2008) highlights some of the most important communication resources in this context include written text and audio-visual tutorials. Having analyzed the several contexts under which communication occurs, I believe it is prudent to conclude that for efficient conveyance of information from the sender to the receiver can be smoothly done through efforts to communicate effectively. Effective communication varies depending on the context and the type of audience being addressed. , & Handley, Z. Teacher-student interaction on wikis: Fostering collaborative learning and writing. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 21, 10-20. doi:https://doi. org/10. Language online: investigating digital texts and practices. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Benson, C. Addressing language of instruction issues in education: recommendations for documenting progress. Paper commissioned for the Global Education Monitoring Report 2016, Education for people and planet: Creating sustainable futures for all.

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