Effects of Music Therapy in Pain Relief on Children during Phlebotomy

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Nursing

Document 1

6 Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………………. 6 Literature Review…………………………………………………………………………………7 Research Design and Methodology………………………………………………………………9 Method and design………………………………………………………………………. 9 Sampling…………………………………………………………………………………9 Instruments………………………………………………………………………………10 Data collection methods…………………………………………………………………10 Data Storage and Analysis……………………………………………………………… 10 Ethical Considerations…………………………………………………………………………. 11 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………11 References………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 Abstract The research objects to examine three dissimilar distraction techniques namely distraction cards, music therapy, and a combination of both distraction cards plus music on the reduction of anxiety and pain in youngsters during the phlebotomy procedure. 15, p =0. 23, p = 0. 72 correspondingly). Additionally, no vital distinction was seen between the four groups in the youngster’s anxiety levels based on the observer and parents (p = 0. 096, and p = 0. The APS (American Pain Society) and the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) insist on reducing and releasing anxiety and pain in minor processes like the vascular access (Mace, Ducharme & Murphy, 2016). As such, medical and non-medical methods are applied to reduce the pain felt by youngsters during the procedures (Bahorski et al.

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Nevertheless, medical methods like the local anesthetic are not readily affordable and have the impact of lowering the feat of vascular access (Mace, Ducharme & Murphy, 2016). In present years, the non-medical methods comprising the application of balloon inflation, distraction cards, audiovisual methods, and pressing on soft balls have become the chosen methods since they are cheap, noninvasive, and very dependable, as well as with no adversative effects (Augustine & Umarani, 2013). This research paper therefore objected at comparing the impact of distraction by using music and distraction cards to reduce anxiety and pain during the phlebotomy process in youngsters between the age of about 6 and 13 years. The use of both distraction cards and music therapy during the procedure of phlebotomy relieves anxiety and pain in children.

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Research Significance The research is done to determine how effective distraction cards, music therapy and a combination of the two in relieving pain in children during phlebotomy. Majorly, this is so as to be able to recommend the mentioned non-medical procedures in pain relief. Conceptual Framework The research zeros in on pain and anxiety reduction through the use of distraction methods. Figure 1 describes the relationship between the distraction methods and pain & anxiety reduction. (2013) and Michel & Pinson (2015) asserts that in the recent times, the non-medical methods comprising the application of balloon inflation, distraction cards, audiovisual methods, and pressing on soft balls have become the chosen methods mainly because they impose no adversative effects on the patients and this makes them more effective than the medical methods of pain relief (local aesthetics).

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These reviews, therefore back the research study, by offering conclusive data concerning the use of non-medical procedures in pain relief. Different studies have also been presented on pain relief for instance the study on “Pain-Relieving Effect of Music on Preschoolers during Immunization: A Randomized Controlled Trial” by Shiroshita, Muraki, Kamei & Sobue (2018) focuses on pain reduction during the immunization procedure. As such, the main aim of this particular study as discussed by Shiroshita et al. (2018) is to assess the pain reduction impact of music from singers on the preschoolers during the immunization process. The sample comprised of youngsters of the age between 6 and 13 years all who needed blood tests. Sampling The population to be studied consisted of children of between the age of 6 and 13 years who came to the youngsters’ phlebotomy center of the State Clinic.

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The research sample comprised of 160 unsystematically chosen kids who satisfied the assortment measures. The selection conditions included being of the age between 6 and 13 years and also needing a blood test. Those neuro-developmentally delayed children, those with talking problems, visual and hearing impairments, those who had utilized analgesics or those with a history of syncope as a result of blood sampling in the last six hours and lastly those who could not undergo phlebotomy were rejected. Data Storage and Analysis Four medical nurses with at least of 3 years of experience in phlebotomy and pediatric care will be involved in the study. Patient data were collected by use of the self-report forms that encompassed clinical history, body mass index, and latest use of analgesics.

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Children’s weight and height will then be measured. Before the randomization, the investigator will read the standardized account of anxiety and pain tools to the children and parents, both to acknowledge their understanding of the process. All the statistical analysis will be done by use of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 21. 72 respectively). Additionally, no vital distinction was seen between the groups in child anxiety levels based on the observer and parents (p = 0. 096, and p = 0. 092 respectively). To conclude, therefore anxiety and pain relief was observed in all the three methods during phlebotomy; nevertheless, no statistically vital dissimilarity was seen. Effect of music therapy in reducing invasive procedural pain — A quası experimental study. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, 4(5), 553–556.

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