Emergent leadership Essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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In educational institutions there are principals, their deputies and also each state needs someone to oversee the educational sector. These leaders are chosen among the existing staff to serve others. When a group of people including students, teachers and parents come together to work towards a certain objective of ensuring the generation of tomorrow gets enough education, there is always a need for leadership. Identification of emergent leaders Different schools and educational institutions would look for ways to identify their leaders who will serve the other members their level best. With some institutions looking for qualified staff they use different methods to get them. Most leaders prefer working with humble people who are ready to listen to others no matter their class.

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When identifying the best emergent leaders, the principals can look at how they respond when being corrected or being taught. They should allow other experienced people to tell them what is better for them as well as what they ought to do in order to get the best results. They understand that through listening to others they will gain knowledge. Optimistic people always work to achieve what they think they can achieve. They are independent and therefore can work under minimal supervision and guidance. They are self-driven individuals who need to be identified by the principals. Therefore emergent leaders in schools ad institutions can be determined through this method whereby the existing leader spots these individuals whose live is outstanding and incorporate them as tomorrow’s leaders.

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The educational institutions deal with different cases and thus needs someone who is able to judge matters wisely without being influenced. Comparison between traditional and current performance evaluation Teacher evaluation entails determining how certain teachers are performing when it comes to delivery of content and students grasping of the information as well as how they make use of what they learn. In the past evaluation were done by other people towards teachers without teachers comments on the same. They would avail themselves either during a classroom session and sit at the back. They would observe how the teacher goes about the lesson while noting down various key aspects. They would therefore submit a report to the administration committee for analyses. After a period of time the report and the results of the analyses would be availed and the teacher would understand where he or she needs to improve.

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Gives fair results as well. Some of the new trends in play include; Introduction of value-added models which considers the impacts an individual teacher has on the students in general. The students’ progress is assessed for a given period of time in order to determine their improvements. The changes in student’s performance since they joined the institution are evaluated and factors that might make them lag are also taken in to consideration. For instance a student might not know how to pronounce certain words due to the effect of their mother language. They also explain the methods they use in the evaluation and the best ways they do things either at home or at school. Another teacher active role in trend is the use of professional conversation.

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This encourages teachers to talk about the education matters and focus on ways to improve. Just like discussion, this encourages more borrowing of methods and calls for more improvement on individuals who participate since they borrow ideas. All teachers at different levels of their profession whether novice or experienced come together to have these conversation and get to know many things. In other words, the program promotes self-leadership. Self-leadership involves self-awareness, being motivated, a work life balance and knowledge of one’s personal attributes. Once a person cultivates this, they row to become even better leaders, with no chance of going down to being poor leaders. It also helps the emergent leaders look outward and get to consider what their recipients expect of them, hence work toward becoming more responsive and effective.

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This involves learning aspects such as communication, resolving conflicts, motivating one’s team and networking. They might claim that the results were unfair and they were discriminated. Therefore each school is encouraged to have a proper and detailed procedure on how to conduct the evaluations. They must have proper documentation as well since memories cannot keep information for long time. This will aid during the legal battles they might face. For example the Florida state bill states “at least one third of a performance evaluation be based on data and indicators of student performance. , & Alavi, M. Emergent leadership in virtual teams: what do emergent leaders do?.  Information and organization, 14(1), 27-58. Carte, T. A. F. , & Hoover, L. A.  Teacher supervision and evaluation.

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