Essay on american novels

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Literature

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It was gender-related. Being man meant access to social power, education, and significant contribution to the society, participation in the government as well as the right to own property. On the other hand, being a woman meant that one was responsible for maintaining the household, encouraging moral development and most importantly being subordinate to the man. Female roles were based on the quote “Let your Dress, your Conversation and the whole Business of your life be to please your husband and make him happy. " In this paper, I will discuss the concept of freedom, how it varied for both genders and the resistance offered by women to the patriarchal leadership if any. Such a responsibility prevented an active position in public life.

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Literal barriers were in place such as the rule that demanded that children, the mentally disabled along with married women could not complete or initiate legal contracts. Another element of the scandal is Chopin’s bold move of female self -reliance and self- discovery (Clark and Zoila 335-347). Women authors specifically from the south were supposed to write on ladylike issues except for female sexuality and the dissatisfaction with marriage life. Female sexuality was a taboo subject not for discussion. The marriages of the Sumner’s and the Richman’s are worth to borrow a leaf from, but marriage cannot save Sanford’s wife from despair or agony as well as Major Sanford from himself. Marriage to the wrong partner can cause a lifetime of hardship, and as a result of the protagonist mainly avoids marriage.

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Elizabeth believes the union puts a limitation on choice and freedom, social engagements and friendship. Foster's novel tries to describe particular facts in marriage, finding relevance in Eliza’s opinions as well as the people that try to sell marriage redeeming qualities (Weyler and Karen 1-25). The novel also sheds light on friendship demonstrating its importance in the development of a young woman’s behaviour and her day to day encounters in the deceitful world of marriage and love. Is it not the factor that differentiates between a slave, a prisoner and a free man? Additionally, in exploring her dreams and desires, it comes to her attention that there exist double standards for both men and women. No one thinks anything concerning Roberts’s affection for Edna, and people would be shocked by Edna’s feelings towards him.

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Adele is appalled by Edna’s, and he tries to warn her to take care of her reputation. A woman is not allowed to have her desires or want to attend to any other issue except participating in social matters or controlling her household. On the other hand, men are allowed to engage in extramarital affairs, pursue personal interests, conduct business and do anything that pleases them. Is Eliza part of the community? Eliza lives in a society characterised by strict gender ways of life. According to the community, a woman should be smart, virtuous and beautiful, but not cross boundaries by enjoying the fashionable society too much, looking or dressing too appealing or being around men a lot. They should value their responsibilities and roles as mothers and wives, and not alter or seek a delay in this role.

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Men are censured and judged for their bad behaviour- Major Sanford is considered as “rake” and experiences hostility from a number of sectors in the society-but have a variety of options available. Men have the freedom to do as they wish and don't experience alt of scrutiny. Young ladies were supposed to protect their virtue, avoiding ‘libertines' and ‘rakes' who approached them and instead focusing on men of discretion and sense. The woman is also denied to marry any man she likes. Eliza, despite loving Major Sanford, is advised to choose Mr Boyer. The issue of social conflict puts a barrier between the two. The society believes that any movement between social classes is not allowed, even in a period concerned with (some level of) equality and liberty.

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