Essay on Psychological Behavior

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

On the same token, children raised from poor backgrounds develop emotional insecurity, aggressive behaviors, interpersonal hostility and poor social skills (Conejero, 2017). This prevents them from engaging in a positive environment hence developing negative cognitive skills. The economic situations and parenting process seem to be major factors, which lead people to engage in criminal activities, mental illness, parental divorce and even early death. Communities in which people live can also have significant impact on their development. People who are brought up in rich neighborhoods, seems to enjoy economic factors such as improved housing quality, quality education, and also resources to help them develop. Among children placed in rich environments. According to the study the development of executive attention skills is dependent on how the brain structure of a child matures.

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It is evident that executive attention develops more in children raised from richer family set ups as compared to those from less affluent neighborhoods. The study demonstrates that sufficient development of executive attention skills is important in the early developmental stages of an individual. This is because the brain mechanisms help in the development of these structures leading to sufficient brain functions and also performance. It becomes difficult for them to socialize. This is demonstrated by the development of bullying behaviors especially by children at this tender age. In addition, there are also negative conditions that the children develop as the child proceeds to school. Aggression is often caused by community levels of economic stress, neighborhood violence and unstable families. While some of these behaviors may not manifest themselves during the first grade, it is evident that these behaviors grow over time especially when these children have transitioned to middle schools (Newman, 2017).

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The school systems for children coming from rich backgrounds enrich the children with the ability to deal with the societal issues and challenges that affect them (Fredda, 2007). In regard to relationships, adults who come from poor social backgrounds have challenges in maintaining of their families. The aggressive behavior developed at a younger age is always translated into adulthood. This is why there are many single mothers and fathers in areas with low unemployment levels. On the contrary, regions with high levels of employment and median income often tend to have welfare programs to mentor relationships. In terms of an individual’s growth, it is evident that affluence often leads to the creation of stimulating environments that contribute to the positive growth of the children.

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It is clear that poverty usually breeds environments that are not socially adaptive to the normal growth of the children. To achieve positive growth, there is a need to engage families on the positive aspects of lifestyle so as to stimulate positive structure in the development of an individual (Evans & Wachs, 2010). Stressors such as abuse of children in poor backgrounds should be minimized through effective approaches to ensure that these children develop normally. Caregivers are advised to always use disciplinary strategies that are efficient and those that do not cause emotional trauma among the children. Deviant behavior in these families is not a choice. This is because the children have to conform to their expectations for them to be competent members of the society.

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Socio economic status usually dictates the individual level control that can be attained in the family. The presence of discipline depends on the family structure and income (Fredda, 2007). Children who have been raised in poverty often choose to behave in a different manner as compared to those who have been raised from affluent backgrounds. This is the support that helps to nurture cognitive growth and development. The lack of routine activities and participation into this form of development is one that can have negative consequences on the growth and development of these children (Fredda, 2007). The presence of stimulating environments usually gives the children the ability to grow and also establish socially adaptive behaviors. In the long run, these help in the achievement of growth while at the same time contributing to development.

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The parents from these rich family set ups usually ensure control and monitor the behaviors of their children hence making them to be competitive in their societies (Jensen, 2009). The other factors that may affect sex roles include biological differences, gender based social relationships, values in regard to gender and activities and interests that ensure that an individual has developed their character (Gauvain, 2003). Parents who come from rich family set ups usually provide their children with secure attachment, which is essential for their own development. A secure attachment is a long lasting relationship that is created between a child and their caregiver and is aimed at improving a sense of confidence and security as the children develop. The mothers or the caregivers are the ones that create a sense of security and comfort ability to the child hence ensuring that the children are protected and full of happiness within their families.

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This form of happiness is essential for ensuring that these children grow in a positive environment (Evans & Wachs, 2010). Secondly, this involves offering the desired freed to explore the desired among children. While parenting may seem to be a simple concept, research has shown that children who have developed out of secure attachments in relationships always tend to be happier, socially competent and also kind. Children also need to feel secure for them to have a sense of security and entitlement from their caregivers (Berk, 2014). Parents who spend most of their time educating their children and also being with them usually help to nurture their cognitive skills and ensure that the children are successful in their endeavors. A secure attachment parent can also help to regulate the emotional distress among the children hence becoming a major issue in children’s development (Evans & Wachs, 2010).

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It is evident that the interaction with peers is more egalitarian and open than parental interaction. Although there are major differences that can arise during the growth period, having peers in which one can relate to positively is a good advantage for ones development (Zheng, 2013). Studies have proven that peer interaction usually has a major contribution on the learning and problem solving. In most cases of peer interaction people usually develop skill patterns, which they can employ in the rest of their lives. A bad peer influence can contribute to development of aggressive behavior that has a negative consequence on the individual’s life. Beyond parental control and peer influence, life in the social community is a determinant in ones development.

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Both formal and information settings provide people with direct experiences such as schooling and also the educational practices. Education has important element for cognitive development. The failure to provide children with quality education can have a negative impact in terms of reasoning and interactions of though. People from rich social statuses often engage in quality education which helps them to function and become better individuals in the society. In most cases, the low income children are left home where they breed extremities such as violence and also emotional challenges that can impact their development. This is due to the fact that these children develop needs that can result to physical punishment. Consequently, children from affluent families have reliability for their relationships.

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They are often confronted with high levels of academic performance, motivation, socialization and also student goals. This is because they are exposed to a mentor, a reliable partner and also an individual who will foster high levels of achievement over time. Empowering the students with conflict management skills and critical thinking skills can be a better way of ensuring that they have developed competitively in their lives. Stress reduction in school settings can also help to ensure that the individuals from poor environments have developed normally (Conejero, 2017). Conclusion To sum it up, the short term effects of bringing children in poor environments include deficits in readiness to school, later behavioral problems, depression, anxiety and aggression. The long term effects that have been identified include teenage violence, school dropout and high unemployment rates.

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