Ethical Challenges in Today's Schools and Classrooms

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Education

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While this is true, there is certain code that teachers must adhere to for them to be successful. Some of these rule are applicable inside classroom while others are used outside the classroom. However, it is not always possible for the teacher to follow all these rules at all times. As a teacher, I have experienced difficulty in following two rules which include: always being willing to listen to others, including my students, and taking their feedback into account and establishing rules, expectations and procedures beginning on the first day of the school. I have been willing to listen to what my students say but sometimes students take this as a loophole to explain baseless arguments particularly when they know that they have broken school rules.

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In the scenario of Kolby’s dilemma regarding skipping in-service to go golf, another colleague uses the point about all of the extra hours that teachers put in as a justification for golfing instead of working. Discuss your thoughts about this justification. Obviously, the absence of a teacher in class has a significant impact on student learning. When a teacher is in school and students have seen him/her, they expect to see that teacher in class whether he spends extra hours to teach or not. This is like a norm and skipping class in order to go golfing simply because you spend extra hours coaching students is failing to observe rules that govern the institution and setting a bad example to the students.

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They are also focused in every activity within the school. In class, my students follow the schedule regardless of whether I am on duty or not. The manner in which teachers carry themselves while in school contributes a lot to the way students conducts themselves and their adherence to the school rules (Infantino & Wilke, 2009). I have witnessed some teachers blatantly disobey rules they have set and then they expect the students to follow them. What I noticed is that such teachers are mocked by students particularly when trying to discipline them simply because they have not set a good example to show the students that our conduct is governed by rules and regulations that we set. These teachers attend their personal matters during school time in disregard to the rules governing their profession.

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Basically, this is ethically wrong because there are many days like weekends and holidays when such activities can be done. Failing to attend to the students in order to go to run your shop is setting a bad example to the students and juniors in the teaching profession and it also impacts negatively to the learning of the students. Your text makes the assertion that we are all prejudiced in some form or fashion at some point. Is there a time when you have acted a certain way toward someone “based simply on a preconceived notion about him or her?” What implications does this prejudice have on your ability to teach effectively to all students? At times we are when making decisions we are affected by “primacy effect” in which we give weight to information presented to us earlier rather than later as explained by (Infantino & Wilke, 2009).

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