Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

Ethics play a vital role in the regulation of the various individuals’ behavior. This paper would comprehensively discuss the various complex issues experienced in an organization and how they affect the conduct of individuals in an organization. It is also important to note that the paper would critically analyze the case scenario of JoEllen to derive sense on what is both moral and ethical. The nature of ethics and morality can be judged based on the Consequentialism theories developed by John Stuart Mill. The theories argue that in ethical dilemmas, the judgment for a wrong or a right depends on the result of the said act. The final decision that the health attendance decide to act on should have a positive result.

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I would advise for life support machine since the case of drug overdose accompanied by alcohol are the reason the patient cannot breathe well. Once the diagnosis is found, and the patient is finally okay then it turns out that the results of my advice have positive impact hence morally right. If by any chances I decide not to use the life support as the son had suggested and the patient dies living the whole nursing staff feeling like they did not have the chance to administer treatment hence premature death, then my decision would be unethical and morally wrong. Being ethical translates to minding the greatest good. The theory mentions that an individual may derive a sense of discovering the various principles of morality through a rational reflection of nature.

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From the ramifications, one can distinguish between what is right and what is wrong at different times. The aftermath of developing such moral judgment leads to the realization of the right acts that one should work on. It goes ahead to highlight the fact that all human beings are given the potential to be decisive and most importantly actualize their potential. From the events in the JoEllen case, the son it is rational to say that the son is not only overreacting but also impatient. No one wants to die that soon and for such petty reasons and therefore I would receive a bunch of appreciation. Virtue ethics is responsible for the integration of virtues that ultimately lead to good reasoning or “practical wisdom.

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” Individuals incorporate the acquired practical wisdom to choose from the various patterns of actions what they consider right. One's logic is majorly influenced by the multiple experiences that an individual has had over time. Emotions play a crucial role in the actions and judgment of an individual. The patient should not in any way violet the provisions and policies of nursing as a career (Dorff et al. In conclusion, ethics and morality play a critical role in ensuring the overall success of any organization (Thompson, 2018). First, the inculcation of ethical standards and morality is essential in solving ethical problems. Secondly, the incorporation of ethical standards and moral principles helps guard the reputation of any organization due to the skillful decision-making techniques that lead to positive impacts.

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