Eugen bleuler essay

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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This term was used to refer to a type of disorder that had earlier been known as dementia praecox. Eugen successfully carried out his studies in schizophrenics during his career. He had studied medicine while at the University of Bern. He successfully got an appointment at the University of Zurich as a professor in the field of psychiatry. He served there for thirty years. Different types of diseases were described and referred to as schizophrenics. Bleuler has been given credit for his efforts in the introduction of two fundamental concepts that analyze the whole process of schizophrenia, loss of contact with reality, ambivalence, and autism. He was an early proponent of a variety of theories that explained different diseases that relate to the state of schizophrenia.

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He became successful in his psychiatry studies, and later, other practitioners accepted his argument in relation to the state of having schizophrenia. Patients could now understand different states that they were in and differentiate between which condition needed more attention than the other. Eugen’s work regarding schizophrenia has very strong relevance to the current healthcare industry. His seminal work still represents good opportunities for other people to examine his work and come up with a better version of understanding the situation in a better way. The present articles that have been written by people came to light due to his early works. The validity of different disorders has been achieved due to his early work regarding schizophrenias. Eugen’s ideas on schizophrenia have positively influenced the understanding of everyone regarding different forms of disorders and future developments.

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The characteristic manifests itself through symptoms that are regarded as fundamental to cause autism. The symptoms are associated with ambivalence and association. The authors that have researched Eugen’s works have had the opportunity to give a variety of dimensions that have led to the development of a variety of conditions. Schizophrenia has been discovered to manifest from a condition that emerges from a group of signs and symptoms. The symptoms are believed to occur in a variety of domains that relate to mental life (Buckley, 1996). Eugen was the first psychologist to draw attention to the psychological life of patients regarding affectivity, cognition, and other subjective experiences. He tried to see dementia as a type of emotional life of patients. Other people saw the condition as being different and bizarre.

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A new dimension was added to the social context regarding the disease (Guattari, & Deleuze, 2000). There was an implementation of a psychiatry dimension that was spearheaded by Eugen in order to give a clear understanding of the real situation. The current research has shown great dependence on the information by Eugen in order to shed more light on research. His wok regarding Dementia praecox has been cited in a variety of articles with the aim of giving further explanation of the issue of dementia. Through his observations, Eugen was not able to find distortion of memory, perception, and orientation. He, however, managed to find anomalies that were in the associative process. There was an inhibition of emotional expressions. In essence, Eugen has been crucial to the Psychological research advancements that have been achieved in the field of psychiatry.

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