Evolution of stone tools
Document Type:Research Paper
Subject Area:Anthropology
This period is marked by a kind of people who made tools and weapons from stones and it is divided into Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Mesolithic. The type of humans in the human lineage of evolution who used these tools is known as hominines. Hominines are further described as members of the historical zoological tribe of which there are only one species of this which exists. Most of the species of the zoological tribe are instincts with only one remaining, and this is the Homo sapiens otherwise referred to as human beings. In this study, we will look at the evolution of stone tools from Oldowan tools to Paleolithic tools and the hominine species which made these tools and used them. The studies on archeological sites involve collection of the remaining of this tools, this is because stone tools are more durable to decay than bones hence the only possible way to study the existence of hominine species.
There has been a loophole in the studies since in the ancient times it was not able to tell which species invented and used which tool due to their diverse number. The study on the tools, however, helps modern human beings to know the size of brains of the pre-historic human species and the invention they were able to make. The Stone Age is divided into three namely; Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic stage also known as early, middle and new stage respectively (Nowell & Davidson, 2011). Paleolithic stage. This is the first discovery of hominine species fossils and it was found by Louis Leakey. This kind of tool has been overtaken by technology although their similar flakes of tools among hunters and gatherers communities. The excavation of these fossils was made between 1960 and 1963; this invention is famous since it shows the first evidence of the use of stone tools by early man.
Other invention of Oldowan tools were made in Sterkfontein and Calvary where hand axes with over 1. million years were discovered. After the melting of the icebergs, hunters and gatherers now expanded their hunting zone as they could now go up to England. In England, they found flint nodules from chalks which were eroded from the glaciers and started using those flints to make tools to help them in their hunting and gathering. They made many tools including the Tranche Adze which was used in several ways to enable the early men in fishing. Neolithic stage. This is the last stage of evolution of Man and it is claimed to happen at different times depending on the region he fast tools to be excavated and which show the last evolution in human development were discovered in India.
The first stone tools (Oldowan tools) were invented during the upper stage of the Paleolithic stage by the Australopithecus species. The first excavation to discover the Oldowan tools was in Tanzania and was enhanced by DR Louis Leakey in 1960 -1963. The studies on early fossils of man have not been able to distinguish on which hominine species invented and used which tool, therefore, the need of further research. References Antón, S. C. American journal of primatology, 8-10. Nowell, A. Davidson, I. Stone Tools and the Evolution of Human Cognition. Colorado: Boulder university press.
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