Transition to Adulthood for Youth with Disability

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Anthropology

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This study entails some of the transition services that the disabled students are offered as well as showing the benefits of such services to the students. a significant number of adults with disabilities have faced various challenges regarding their roles and place in the society. A broad study was undertaken among both the students with disabilities as well as adults. Its importance is to show the benefits of better transitional process to the disabled students who have to grow into responsible and independent adults. The research relied on literature from online articles and other sources from the library to obtain information regarding the disabled population and the transition services offered to them. The People with disabilities form a significant part of the population in any society in the world. There are various groups of people with disabilities depending on the types of disabilities each one has.

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Such individuals face a lot of challenges in the society relating to their conditions such as mistreatment from other people. Others face serious challenges such as being unable to move around or see anything which makes it difficult for such people to provide for themselves. The most affected ones are children who struggle to fit in society due to the challenges emanating from their conditions. A significant number of the disabled population in the United States faces several challenges in the society such as poverty and rejection. Many of them miss important opportunities in life that could have changed their lives into successful people for instance, employment opportunities. Therefore, significant part of literature shows the position of disabled people in the society and hence how the transition culture has enabled to raise their position in the society.

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Part of the literature also explains some of the transitional services offered during the transition process. Karrie A. Social skills such communication skills improve the interaction between the disabled population and the normal people in the society which brings a lot of benefits to the entire community. Youn-Young Park The author has an article regarding the transition services offered to high school students with disabilities. It focuses on the perspective of special teachers who are trained specifically to guide students with disabilities, (Park et al, 95-111). The article is a qualitative study regarding high school teachers who prepare disabled students by providing them with the required transitional services for adulthood. It provides enough data concerning real transitioning services carried out by teachers in special schools in Winnipeg. At the end, the study offers a solution to help teachers provide effective transition services to the disabled students in high schools.

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The author provides the solution to some of the challenges that face the process that can be applied to facilitate it. According to the author, it is essential to include individuals with disabilities into the community and general education. The purpose is to deinstitutionalize them to be part of the community to live and work as other normal people. Special education helps transition disabled individuals into the community by encouraging interactions between them and the community. Empowering the parents with training programs to help them learn about several features and events in the entire process is the key to helping the youth grow into better adults, (Taylor et al, 846-857). Trained parents will navigate through the transition process with ease since they will be familiar with some of the experiences that they will face.

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Training such parents has to become a culture that every parent with a disabled child should undergo. However, the training program differs from one group to another since there are several groups of individuals with disabilities in the United States. Methods This research used the qualitative method in the entire study including data collection and analysis. Findings Several findings were observed through the whole research process. The findings were analyzed and used to draw certain conclusions regarding various areas in the entire study. The findings were obtained from the data collected from the literature work as well as from the field data that was analyzed and observed accordingly. Some of the findings regarding the research include the following. • There is an increase in the number of individuals with disabilities turning up for transition process in various locations across the country as time goes.

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However, although employment outcomes for disabled youths is still below that of youths without disabilities there has been a significant improvement in the employment inclusion for disabled youths. For instance, in 2016 over 340, 000 more individuals with disabilities joined the work force. Discussion According to the findings, the figure of individuals with disabilities seeking transition process is growing with time. This generally means that the it is becoming part of the society’s culture in the United States to prepare disabled youth ready to lead a better life in their adulthood. The increase is as a result of the benefits associated with the process since it helps many youths to grow into population adults who are self-empowered and have developed self-realization. They have been placed into different diverse groups according to the level and type of disability.

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The research was not able to determine if their population was growing with time and at which rate. However, the number of these people undergoing transition process is growing since the culture is spreading as far as the interior parts of the country. Having a plan for individuals with disabilities is crucial for any society. When disabled youth grow up to become employed adults who are successful in different fields it improves the economy of the country. Most of disabled individuals require special attention at one point or another resulting from their condition. In many cases, it becomes a challenge to many parents because it may be over-demanding. Therefore, training parents in better facilities to educated them about the whole transition process can help solve many problems and smoothen the entire process.

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It prepares them for any situation which also increases their morale to face the challenges without tension and fears. As a result, the youth successful transition through the process where they benefit from a lot of resources that prepares them for a better adult life. I suggest that any potential research regarding this topic in the future should be well prepared with enough resources since the research involves a lot of traveling to interview different people across the country. Work Cited Lipscomb, Stephen, et al. Preparing for Life after High School: The Characteristics and Experiences of Youth in Special Education. Findings from the National Longitudinal Transition Study 2012. Volume 2: Comparisons across Disability Groups. Self-determination as an educational outcome. Self-determination across the life span: Independence and choice for people with disabilities (1996): 17-36. Wehmeyer, Michael L.

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and Nancy Bolding. Enhanced self‐determination of adults with intellectual disability as an outcome of moving to community‐based work or living environments.

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