Exercise Efficiency during Different Modes of Exercise

Document Type:Lab Report

Subject Area:Health Care

Document 1

Background Information To do a given amount of exercise or work, a certain amount of energy is required. When an individual has low rate of energy expenditure when performing an exercise or work, it implies that the person is efficient at performing the exercise or work. This is very important for the persons involved in the physically demanding sports and jobs, particularly enduring activities (Metikos, Mikulic, Sarabon & Markovic, 2015). Considering two long distance athletes, both running at the same pace, one of the athletes can expend less energy than the other at that given pace (Morales-Palomo et al. In this scenario, the athlete with less energy expenditure is said to be efficient and would run longer distances without decreasing his/her pace while accumulating less fatigue. The subjects rode a cycle ergometer and row a Concept II rowing machine at fixed submaximal power output until the physiological adjustments achieved a steady-state a determined in the metabolic measurement cart.

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The energy expenditure remained constant for the extended period of time after attaining a steady state. At this time, the metabolic data was recorded and the energy expenditure computed. The subject did not eat, smoke and did not take coffee or even performed any physical activity or exercise at least 5 minutes before beginning the experiment. The subject was dressed in the attires that were suited to performing the exercise. Steady state was achieved after 10 minutes of exercise but this may take longer period. Heart rate and collect metabolic data every 20 seconds in the last minutes of steady exercise. The resistance setting to be used on the cycle ergometer was calculated while pedaling at 60 pedal revolutions per minute (rpm) to exactly match the PO that was employed for the rowing experimental condition (e.

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g if the PO was 150 W on the rowing machine, then the resistance setting for the cycle ergometer would be 2. kp when pedaling at 60 rpm). MEAN 2. CYCLING 0:20 1. MEAN 1. Summary: Energy Expenditure Data Recording and Transformation REST ROWING CYCLING VO2 0. VCO2 0. kcal at REST Calculate ROWING energy expenditure (kcal): From Appendix A, RER 0. is during ROWING, the energy equivalent is 4. kcal/L of O2 4. kcal/L of O2 ROW × 2. L of O2 during ROW = 10. Calculate Gross Efficiency (%): = Work output/Energy input X 100 Efficiency = X100 = 0. Efficiency = 0. Efficiency = X100 = 0. Efficiency = 0. Calculate Net Efficiency (%): = Work Output/(Exercise energy input – Resting energy input) X 100 Net efficiency = X 100 % Net efficiency = 0. This process involves the measuring of VO2 during exercise. It is not possible to measure exercise efficiency without performing the actual measurements of the VO2. The gross efficiency and net efficiency should decrease with the increasing workload during the exercises.

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Increasing efficiency with increasing workload is an indication of an artifactual error when calculating the efficiency. Efficiency should remain decline or remain constant with the increasing work rates. Kane, D. A. MacKenzie, S. J. Jensen, R. Breier, B. H. Carbohydrate mouth rinsing has no effect on power output during cycling in a glycogen-reduced state. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 13(1), 19. Costa, V. F. Pallares, J. G. Mora-Rodriguez, R. Cardiovascular Drift during Training for Fitness in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome.

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