Fall Precautions in an East Florida Hospital

Document Type:Thesis

Subject Area:Nursing

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They are set standards that have been proven by clinical research to be effective. The advantage of evidenced-based practice guideline in a clinical setting is that it will provide standard measures that practitioners should follow in solving healthcare problems. Uniform strategies are likely to reduce complications and conflicts among healthcare providers (Biza et al. Implementing an evidence-based practice guideline to reduce patient fall requires strategic planning and organization of response teams and stakeholders (Chang & Kuo, 2013). The proposed guidelines for the East Florida healthcare organization contains well-structured steps that were made after considering information from several peer-reviewed articles on nursing, precisely, on patient falls. It will also save the organization from the additional costs, resources, and energy that is needed in treating patients who have had accidental falls while receiving treatment. Prevention strategy is a cost-effective way of managing patient falls (Edwards & Holthaus, 2017).

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The activities involved as part of the identification of patient falls entails analyzing of a patient in regards to falls. The risk factors that should be taken into consideration include the age of a patient. Older and weak patients should be given special consideration by the nursing team by conducting comprehensive health analysis (Jung, Park & Jung, 2015). Older patients under pharmacological processes should also be handled carefully (Williams et al. Nurses should continuously be reminded to take care of patients at risk of falls. An experiment conducted by King et al. revealed that continuous messaging of nurses concerning patient falls had a significant impact in the reduction of patient falls. The nurses were messaged by their seniors to check their patients frequently, the results were impressive and should be considered by other healthcare providers.

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When there are few nurses to take care of a high population of the patient, there are higher chances that healthcare providers will be overworked thus leading to burnout (Repique and Matthew, 2015). The implications of burnout are adverse and are often related to poor service delivery coupled with low-quality services and lack of safety at a healthcare organization thus putting the life of the patients at risk. The administration can control such an aspect by ensuring that the nurse to patient ratio at the facility meets the required standards. Therefore, ensuring proper patient to nurse ratio is among the major provisions in the guidelines. Other elements that have been included in the implementation of evidence-based practice guideline at the East Florida facility include the provision of posters, educational programs to the healthcare providers on how to identify and handle patient fall and predicting falls.

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Barriers associated with implementation. The benefits associated with implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) are several. They include a reduction in variations of care, increases in patient safety, and improvements in patient outcomes (Kumar, 2015). Implementation of EBP guidelines has been proven to be able to decrease the time discovery of effective strategies for intervention through the application of discovered theories and clinical research. Implementation of EBP guidelines requires the identification of barriers that may affect the outcome of the process (Biza et al. Other resources that are included in the guidelines are patient fall toolkit, provision of charts and boards for communicating with the nurses the need for certain practices (Hinyard et al. There are healthcare providers that may also be barriers to the implementation process of the evidence-based guidelines. Examples of challenges under this classification include resistant attitude on the part of the nursing and clinical staff thus affecting the outcome of the process.

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Resistant attitude can be developed by lack of interest in the change process. Such phenomena can be developed by factors such as lack of knowledge concerning the new systems that are supposed to be implemented. Personal motivation and drive are essential for nurses to improve themselves during the provision of care. Lack of inspiration or interest can also affect the implementation process of EBP Guidelines at the healthcare organization. Overcoming barriers. Barriers to successful implementation of evidence-based practice guidelines can develop from several factors including clinical experience and varying education of the hospital’s workforce. There could also be lack of understanding concerning the importance and relevance of the outlined strategies that are to be incorporated (Forman et al. Developing infrastructure to support and sustain adopted standards and engaging a participatory approach, findings provide a strategy to consider when designing programs to expose nurses to EBP and for the translation of current rules into clinical practice.

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Building infrastructure to sustain and support the evidence-based practice guidelines via leadership is necessary. Such strategies should include support and access for continuing education, time provision, development of collaborative team members. Professional development is essential since it equips nurses with best preparations for the provision of clinical care and optimization of patient outcomes (Manusov et al. Institutional support and creation of opportunities to attend conferences and further education are critical in the development of evidence-based practices. The advantage of interprofessional relationship is that it is patient-centered, it benefits the patients much more than any other group. The fact that responsibilities and duties are divided among people of different fields makes it clear that specialization and division of labor are essential factors that have to be considered. It is thus expected that the patient will receive attention from several experts who will be able to address several issues that affects him/her.

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The fact that conditions such as dementia increases chances of patient falls makes it necessary that both psychiatrist and other nurses should be able to play their roles (Pati et al. Hospitalized dementia patients should be handles by several experts. References Biza, A. Jille-Traas, I. Colomar, M. Belizan, M. Requejo Harris, J. org/10. Chang, P. Kuo, Y. Functional Improvement in Older Adults after a Falls Prevention Pilot Study.  The Open Journal Of Occupational Therapy, 1(2). Bloem, B. Toward affordable falls prevention in Parkinson's disease.  Movement Disorders, 31(1), 3-6. doi. org/10. Journal Of Perianesthesia Nursing, 32(4), e7-e8. doi. org/10. j. jopan. Characteristics of the middle-age adult inpatient fall. Applied Nursing Research, 31, 65-71. doi. org/10. j. doi. org/10. bmjopen-2014-005385 Hinyard, L. Reynolds, C. Toomey, E.  The Journal Of The Korea Contents Association, 15(2), 333-343. doi.

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