Fan Fic Community Subculture

Document Type:Creative Writing

Subject Area:Creative Writing

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This argumentative assay will focus on the relevance of the history to the fan community subcultures which have made literary genres and the stylistic form of conversation. This assay shows different form of the genres which are influenced by the fans loves through establishment of the subcultures. This has brought high level of interconnection relationships of the science fiction and the genres of fiction. According to different others of this section, there are key activities and the production of the subculture. From this cultural interpretation, there are some factors which are put in consideration and they includes the languages, the dressing code o the people within such subculture community, the fan fiction in other words, literature, the fan art and music lyrics focused by such a particular group of fan fiction community (Chavisn et al 24).

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This has shown the adaptation of the jargon which only creates fans for fully understanding. There are some rules which all applied to the community concerning the fandom (Chavisn et al 28. To be particular, the dressing codes and community ranks reflects the rules which were followed by certain subculture to another. From this particular point, every community had its own way of dressing code and ranking from one particular group of people to another. The fan creates their own ways of literature and arts and that is big reason as to why they are particularly considered to have applied the fan fiction. Split of fan fiction community according to the gender There have been a split of the fan fiction according to the genders since so many boys and girls have been engaging in writing but not from the gamer subculture which have been dominated by the boys in most cases (Harris et al 9).

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Apart from the popular topics there have well split of the sci-fi-fantacy to the boys and on the part of the girls it is erotic-paranormal fantasy. There have been more of the obscure which is not the same in the candidates of the fan fiction. There some of the culture community who has been generated by loving the star wars and therefore this could be well spin officially from the novels and toy models. Positive outcomes of the fan fictions community study This is not considered and cannot be ranked in the same way as immoral sites from the internet. In most cases it encourages the reading and writing. Warner had some discussion on the development that occurred from the science fiction and the world of fantasy. In this particular case he expounded on matters concerning the role of playing different games and it was considered to be the science fiction in connection with the Fan Fic community.

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Works cited Chavis, D. M. Gray, Jonathan, Cornel Sandvoss, and C. Lee Harrington, eds.  Fandom: Identities and communities in a mediated world. NYU Press, 2017. Harris, Cheryl, and Alison Alexander.

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