Female Education is the Key to Progress in Developing Countries

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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Lack of quality female education has been a serious problem in most of the developing countries, an issue which explains why they have been lagging behind in terms of political, social, and economic progress. Despite a low access to female education, most of the developing countries have put in place various measures which have ensured increased access to female education and which has significantly propelled their economies. Importance of female education towards progress in developing countries Quality education plays an important role towards the woman’s ability to identify and respond to challenges and opportunities that he/she encounters in life. Education equips young ladies and women with a set of skills, competencies, ideas, attitudes, behaviors, a sense of corporation and a sense of social responsibility, all which enable them to participate in the country’s productive activities which propel the growth and development of the country (Tembon,M.

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and Tort,L. Empirical evidence shows a strong positive correlation between gender equality in education and a country’s economic growth. It gives the women the opportunity to gain knowledge, skills and other competencies which improve their productivity thus propelling the country’s economic growth. Greater economic empowerment to women: female education enables women to have access to the country’s economic resources which enables them to fully participate in the economic activities of the country. It opens the doors of better opportunities to women which makes them economically independent. Quality education enables women to own and operate their businesses, to access better employment opportunities and to earn higher incomes. Better child upbringing: women play an important role in children upbringing. It improves the child’s academic performance. Women’s education has a strong impact on the child’s upbringing and academic performance.

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Children of more educated mothers show better academic performance than those whose mothers are not educated. Educated mothers are able to help their children throughout their lives and most importantly during their schooling life. Some of the school costs are gender biased e. g. girls spend much money on uniforms, transportation, are only allowed in single-sex classrooms and schools, all which may escalate the enrollment fee to a higher amount not affordable to most of the girls(Unterhalter et. Al 58). The opportunity cost of schooling for girls may present a significant obstacle towards their education. It undermines every effort to improve child education. Young girls in these societies are also exposed to dangers of early pregnancies which expose them to ridicule and keeps them out of school. School-related violence: girls are at higher risks of school violence than men ranging from kidnapping, killings, maiming, armed conflicts, political violence, exploitation, and sexual abuse and bullying.

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This school-related violence makes schools unsafe for girls thus limiting their access to education. How to address challenges facing female education Developing countries need to implement a set of policies and programs to help improve female education. Girls and women should also be given leadership opportunities and opportunity to make their choices which enable them to achieve their full potential. Conclusion Female education is important for the progress of developing countries. It expands the countries entrepreneurial and leadership opportunities, increases economic growth and development, and leads to improved women empowerment. Quality female education also helps to reduce fertility, population growth, and infant mortality thus ensuring healthy families. Female education also plays a great role towards better child upbringing. December 11). Are Improvements in Child Health Due to Increasing Status of M. King, E.

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and Winthrop, R. today's challenges for girl’s education. Arnot, M. Lloyd, C. Moletsane, L. Murphy-Graham, E. Saito, M.

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