Fitness Based Addiction Recovery Treatment

Document Type:Research Paper

Subject Area:Psychology

Document 1

This is in regards to finding better ways to manage individuals’ lifestyles with the aim of reducing the use of substances and drugs or even more, to treat and manage any addiction related disorders that may sprout later into the usage of these drugs. Even so, a closer look at the changing lifestyle that may encourage the use of substances and abuse of drugs should be done in order to provide a proactive measure to managing this health menace. Based on previously successful studies that have been done, clinical methods of treating addiction recovery have been developed. This is through the use of the experimentally approved opioids to manage the addiction. In the same way, more efficient ways are being sought. Problem Statement In regards to substance and drug addiction recovery, several clinical methodologies have been developed.

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This includes the clinical strategies such as drug withdrawal and detox (McAnally, 2018) where the addict withdraws from the drugs and then performs a body detox process to remove the substance elements in the systems. This entails the use of opioids and anti-depressants such as benzodiazepines. However, the associated side effects of this detoxification are severe. They include symptoms such as anxiety, muscle pains, depression, seizures, nausea among others (McAnally, 2018). have proposed in their studies. However, the effectiveness and suitability of this method have not been fully exploited, and this research seeks to find facts and theories that will validly support this method as a better treatment option for substance and drug addiction. Purpose Statement The goal of this investigation is to investigate on the effectiveness of the fitness-based concept of addiction recovery treatment as compared to the other developed methods of addiction recovery treatments such as drug withdrawal and detoxification as well as drug replacement therapy.

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In order to efficiently research and meet this purpose, the study will entail having to interact not only with the previously done investigations on this field but also interact with individuals who are undergoing the fitness-based treatment of addiction recovery as well as any stakeholders to this practice. This will entail deducing valid propositions from various researchers and theorists as well as seeking primary information from multiple parties to this practice. They include; 1. Fitness based treatment of addiction recovery has more benefits, both mental and physical benefits, as compared to the pharmacological methods such as drug withdrawal and detox as well as drug replacement therapy. Fitness based treatment of addiction recovery is a slow but yet a very effective method of addiction recovery treatment. Research Methodology - Quantitative Research Design For this study, quantitative research method was deemed to be appropriate.

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A quantitative research method is whereby there is the collection of quantitative research data and the application of quantitative techniques of data analysis (Creswell & Creswell, 2017). Also, it will eliminate instances of personal biases during the research as well as be able to communicate the results through the use of both figures such as tables and graphs, and numbers which will make it appropriate to a broader audience (Bryman & Bell, 2015). Therefore, the quantitative research method will help effectively address the problem and answer the specific research questions. Research Design – Case Study The chosen research design for this study, one which is appropriate and will objectively and effectively answer the research questions is the case study. A case study is an investigation design that entails having an in-depth and detailed investigation of a chosen phenomenon of the subject.

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This could also involve relating to the same contextual propositions (Yin, 2017). Thirdly, using a case study which also provides an opportunity to contribute to the study by giving new insights that will be learned from the investigation. This will be counted as a contribution to the prevailing theories. However, in using the case study as research design, there are various challenging aspects that the researcher should have a good understanding about. They include factors such as the Hawthorne effect. This is a concept that entails the case study participants changing their behavior when they have the knowledge that they are being studied. That is the dimension of the kind of data being handled and the source of data. In regards to the type of data being handled, there is the qualitative and the quantitative data.

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This is also based on the quantitative research method adopted for this study; the data can be categorized as quantitative data. On the other dimension, the data can be classified into primary and secondary data based on the dimension of the data source. Primary data is the data that will be collected from the field, which involves the participants. This will help complete the study within the assigned period. The population will entail two sets of participants. They will include the addiction patients undergoing the fitness-based recovery treatment and the practitioners who are facilitating this treatment. Population sampling will entail choosing a medical facility offering the fitness-based treatment. The sampling techniques will be based on a non-probability, and it will entail the simple random sampling (SRS) technique or rather the random sampling technique whereby the participants will be chosen randomly to achieve applied results.

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These include techniques such as the regression analysis whereby the collected data will be analyzed to establish the influential relationships between the variable of fitness based treatment and the extent of its effectiveness in addiction recovery treatment. There will be the use of the statistical mean and standard deviation to develop statistical relations from clinical measurements of recovery obtained. The statistical means of analysis will also be used on evaluating the population in regards to the mean age of the population. This will also apply to the data collected through the use of interviews. Maintaining Reliability and Validity Reliability and validity are the two primary factors that determine the quality of a research paper. With this sample size, the issue of generalizability of the study is at question. The sample is not sufficient enough to make general conclusions that can be universally applied to this field.

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This will mean that several other types of research will have to be conducted. Additionally, the chosen topic has had previous studies. Therefore, it was a challenge to identify the loopholes in this topic and base the research upon them. References Bryman, A. Bell, E. Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Creswell, J. I. Fawson, A. L. Lifetime of Physical Fitness and Wellness. Cengage Learning. McAnally, H. B. Addressing Host Factors: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention of Opioid Dependence. In Opioid Dependence (pp. Springer, Cham. Tsitskari, E. Avgerinos, A. The role of physical activity in life happiness of Greek drug abusers participating in a treatment program. Sports Sciences for Health, 13(1), 25-32. Substance, A.

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