Framework for Enhancing Digital Proficiency

Document Type:Essay

Subject Area:Education

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Consequently, the steps taken to address the challenges posed in the new technological era is determined by how prepared we are for the future. Its basis is on such insights that governments have embraced technology in the education sector to address the underlying factors that influence the future of technology in school setup. SAMR Model SAMR is a model that was designed to assist in integrating the teaching of technology, a model that supports infusion and learning of digital experiences and the full utilization of the same in education. It is a model that was popularized by Dr. Ruben Puentedura to ease the daunting task that teachers require in the implementation of technology in the curricula. Though itself a challenge, technology has seen a lot of people improve their lives in embracing new and efficient means of dealing with situations.

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Students are therefore better placed to understand technology in their early years of education. The curriculum adopted has seen an improvement in the manner in which students can understand learning and most importantly, how the integration of technology has affected understanding primary education (Zehm et al. Technology has been used to provide insight into solving an array of mathematical problems, as a means of learning it has opened up new insights into learning. The new curriculum allows students to interact with teachers to understand and learn new methods of problem-solving and being efficient in service delivery. The phase aims at fulfilling the goal, ensuring that the process and the technology rationale used remains the same, in the second phase. Students input in their sites and blogs is an integral part of learning, and they can and understand their peers by using their devices as a learning tool.

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Rationale on Choice of Curriculum Focus However, the rationale of communication is to expand the exposure of information to a global stage by enabling individuals outside the learning institutions to interact better. There is professional information available to aid teachers in the dispensation of learning and most crucial, the material used by the teachers backed by clear objectives of the two set of programs. The content of information is put into implementation tablets to be used as a learning tool by the teachers. Increase in classes would have a great effect on students understanding, application of technology fully depends on the number of classes in the curricula, and therefore the focus on curricula is to ensure that the student’s knowledge, understanding, and technology can survive in reality.

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However, the technology that the students encounter in schools has very little connection to the kind of technology students interact with outside of school walls. It has, therefore, become necessary to communicate with the students' experiences while using technology and the popular culture in schools as a point of reference classroom learning (Cao et al. Implementation of the popular culture in the classroom is crucial for the curriculum, while the teaching practices can adapt to the changing needs of students in the context of digital media. More focus on the capabilities and capacities required in using ICT skills, on the language and even mathematics is evident in the students interact with technology, which forms an essential for the 21st-century requirement for students, the curriculum reform is designed to support the students in becoming confident, successful learning practices and ultimately responsible citizens.

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External stakeholders are an indispensable part of technology implementation as they are required to fund the whole process and a good understanding of the implication of implementation. Another vital stakeholder is parents. They also play a part in the last promotion of digital literacy content in education (Albion et al. By encouraging the actual implementation in school by aiding the conducting of digital literacy workshops in different school communities, in the process motivating their children to enjoy their homework given in digital media content, and ultimately encouraging their children to explore several forms of digital media. It is therefore crucial for parents to provide necessary incentives to their children to take up digital content in education. It is of great importance especially for teachers that for every step taken its ultimate goal is visible, that provides a foundation that is strong.

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Students and teachers alike have a common goal as they journey together in acquiring new ways of learning in an advanced technological world. There is a consideration in upgrades and up to date information available in the market since the system has a feedback program that is direct. Although challenges continue to hinder its actualization, the enthusiasm that the different stakeholders possess forges a strong commitment to accomplishing the integration of the curriculum. With a proactive strategy that counters the challenges, enormous access to new information coupled with structural and objective foundations, it remains evident how that can slow down the total integration of the curriculum. Individuals with the right skill set and the use of technology by stakeholders, teachers, and students are crucial in ensuring that education and technology are successful.

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Therefore the benefits of technology and the implementation of the new curriculum that incorporates the use of information and communication technology is the future of learning and must be given its due respect. Though technology will continue to offer a valid and reliable avenue to solve problems in the society, the accomplishment comes when only students are allowed to explore their potential using all the necessary at their disposal in the learning stages. Conclusion While the formative years of our children are essential, by embracing new ways of education, we accept that our children will be up to the task with the challenges that they may face in a technologically advanced world. The use of ICT will shape the future. S.

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