Freedom and Accountability at Work review

Document Type:Coursework

Subject Area:Business

Document 1

A person who has familiarized with the two authors’ works is in a position to realize that their intention was to be dramatically distinct. The journey is started by Peter Block through the drafting of the introduction. He is responsible for developing a scope through which work of his colleague would be utilized for understanding modern working environment dynamics. Various ideas and concepts incorporated in the book are derived from two books that were composed earlier by Koestenbaum. Both books written in the 1970s include “The New Image of the Person” and “The Vitality of Death”. The reader gets encouragement to in this extent o change which will assist a person to beat cynicism which is brought about by superficial transformation.

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Their contention that is leaders requires posing these philosophical questions so that today they are seen as perfect role models and to achieve the enabling vision for future leadership (Koestenbaum, P. The purpose of this paper is to identify and discuss strengths and weaknesses of the text hence drawing appropriate conclusions. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Text In every opportunity that comes in life, it carries with it benefits and drawbacks and this is inevitable. Thus it is upon the opportunity bearer to choose on which side of the golden chance to lean. Connecting philosophy with business In the context of the transforming economy and a century of hearing from economist, engineers and numerous schools of thought typical minds, the text states that time has come to connect philosophy with the business realm.

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A warning from the block alerts the audience that works exploration through a philosopher’s perception is not a walk in the park. It is not the work of an open mind which keeps off the calling for precise definition. For instance, the leadership topic is not presented in a list of do’s and don’ts or metric but rather through suffering, death, anxiety and freedom ideas. A wake-up call is offered by the text that might not deliver the message t first, but after connection, a concise shift in ideology might be at hand. This is because they will be forced to revisit the 1970’s work which might not be readily available. The need to refer some information on other texts might discourage some of the targeted audience who do not like reading.

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Thus the information might not reach the intended crowd because of such weakness. Use of philosophical context in a leadership literature Generally, people speak of philosophy as being a complicated field that only a few were cut to understand it. A mere mention of philosophy in a text is sufficient to scare potential readers from reading it. On the other hand, technology has changed this and people are now involved with digital applications other hardcopy printed texts. Conclusion Block and Koestenbaum have organized a text that is beyond any literature in the leadership domain. It has messages that deeply penetrate to the heart of the reader about the meaning of being human in nature and associate authentic self to the place of work.

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